The first year of baby's life in 2 minutes. Just not a good look!
Rugrats! Our kids are growing so fast that sometimes do not even have time to catch the moment when they begin to speak or take the first steps. Until recently, baby lying helpless and agukali, and already can not catch small runners. You do not even have time to blink an eye, how brittle crumbs child turns into an interesting personality. In such situations, involuntarily ask yourself: how to catch all the intermediate steps?
But Amelia Morris and Matt Bukmen from Los Angeles came up with a great way to capture the development of his son during the first year of life. They were shooting interesting stories in different periods of its growth, and then combine these images into one video. Suddenly, the parents of their creative work made from a new baby's star Internet. Meet: Teddy in front of you, and it's not a teddy bear, but charm is not inferior to a boy toy!
Here Teddy only six o'clock!
During the eight weeks of the baby was old enough.
Now we have 12 weeks.
In the 16 weeks already crawling hunting!
He's only four and a half months, and joie de vivre to spare.
Five months - and smiles even more.
Early Science in the six and a half months.
It took another two months ...
Nine Months - it's time to go!
11-month-old little man ...
... and a good friend.
After a couple of weeks and you can learn to swim.
With the first birthday, Teddy!
This is what a wonderful video turned out!
Parents baby is not only able to capture the highlights of the first year of life, but also to become even a little known. I do not know you, but I really like this idea! If you agree with me, then share funny videos with friends - even if they have been charged a cheerful mood a little Teddy.
via ofigenno ru
But Amelia Morris and Matt Bukmen from Los Angeles came up with a great way to capture the development of his son during the first year of life. They were shooting interesting stories in different periods of its growth, and then combine these images into one video. Suddenly, the parents of their creative work made from a new baby's star Internet. Meet: Teddy in front of you, and it's not a teddy bear, but charm is not inferior to a boy toy!
Here Teddy only six o'clock!

During the eight weeks of the baby was old enough.

Now we have 12 weeks.

In the 16 weeks already crawling hunting!

He's only four and a half months, and joie de vivre to spare.

Five months - and smiles even more.

Early Science in the six and a half months.

It took another two months ...

Nine Months - it's time to go!

11-month-old little man ...

... and a good friend.

After a couple of weeks and you can learn to swim.

With the first birthday, Teddy!

This is what a wonderful video turned out!
Parents baby is not only able to capture the highlights of the first year of life, but also to become even a little known. I do not know you, but I really like this idea! If you agree with me, then share funny videos with friends - even if they have been charged a cheerful mood a little Teddy.
via ofigenno ru
20 treshovyh wedding pictures, while viewing that my heart bleeds ... And funny and sinful!
We smile and plow! 15 notes from colleagues who have everything in order with a sense of humor.