Unmanned trucks protect road workers on US highways
Until the end of 2015 in California will test unmanned vehicles for road services to ensure the safety of workers. Machinery for Royal Truck & Equipment is capable of driving by GPS, to repeat the action head of the car and has equipment for remote control. No driver behind the wheel protect him from injury in an accident.
To protect workers in the repair of roads is generally used machine with special signs to warn road users about the need to detour. Sometimes it does not help - drivers do not have time to see the signs and get into an accident, which can be lost and the workers and passengers cars.
Car on a truck chassis equipped with attenuators to soften a blow in the accident, protection and road workers, and unlucky or careless driver. Having a system of protection does not guarantee the safety of the driver of the truck, so the company decided to Royal Truck remove him from the equation, разработав hardware and sof t conjunction with Micro Systems Inc ... The system can work with both drivers, and without it. To navigate using GPS-tags or the parent vehicle.
Google and other developers are testing their unmanned vehicle with a driver behind the wheel, so that he could, if necessary, take over the management. Royal Truck will first test the truck without the man in the cockpit.
Chapter Tesla Elon Musk compares the cars of the future with a lift : «Cars become something of a lift. Once the elevator control statements, and then people have created a simple scheme that allows the elevator stop automatically at the right floor. " The company is developing a system of autonomous control. Daimler AG presented a tractor Freightliner, able to independently drive the road to high-quality markings. Russian "KAMAZ" working with Cognitive Technologies to create an unmanned control systems, the ability to navigate on any road - including with and without pits any markings.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/260964/

To protect workers in the repair of roads is generally used machine with special signs to warn road users about the need to detour. Sometimes it does not help - drivers do not have time to see the signs and get into an accident, which can be lost and the workers and passengers cars.
Car on a truck chassis equipped with attenuators to soften a blow in the accident, protection and road workers, and unlucky or careless driver. Having a system of protection does not guarantee the safety of the driver of the truck, so the company decided to Royal Truck remove him from the equation, разработав hardware and sof t conjunction with Micro Systems Inc ... The system can work with both drivers, and without it. To navigate using GPS-tags or the parent vehicle.
Google and other developers are testing their unmanned vehicle with a driver behind the wheel, so that he could, if necessary, take over the management. Royal Truck will first test the truck without the man in the cockpit.
Chapter Tesla Elon Musk compares the cars of the future with a lift : «Cars become something of a lift. Once the elevator control statements, and then people have created a simple scheme that allows the elevator stop automatically at the right floor. " The company is developing a system of autonomous control. Daimler AG presented a tractor Freightliner, able to independently drive the road to high-quality markings. Russian "KAMAZ" working with Cognitive Technologies to create an unmanned control systems, the ability to navigate on any road - including with and without pits any markings.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/260964/