11 celebrities whose appearance is far from accepted canons of beauty
This 11 well-known representatives of the world of show business with a fairly uncommon appearance. Their external data raise a lot of conflicting opinions about what krasota.1. Vanessa Paradi.Mnogim is haunted by the gap between the teeth of the French singer, actress and model, which, in fact, was the highlight of her.
2. Sarah Jessica Parker.Zavistlivye women, and men who do not like to stand on ceremony, do not miss the opportunity to compare who plays Carrie Bradshaw with loshadyu.
3. Charlotte Gensbur.Doch famous actress and singer Jane Birkin and Serge Gainsbourg singer-wishers, and not only, often referred to as "the epitome of intellectual beauty» .
4. Lily Koul.Ne everything looks like a doll model.
5. Chloe Sevini.Eta scandalous girl loves to shock the audience with their extraordinary dresses that emphasize the brighter her marginal appearance.
6. Keira Naytli.Stoit noted that the thinness and small breasts do not add film star attraction, though the actress knows how to turn the appearance defects in their own dignity.
7. Hilary Suonk.Eta girl can not boast of a comely appearance, but what she has charisma! Not for nothing it is often given specific roli.
8. Tilda Suinton.Zhenschiny called the aristocrat to the marrow representative of an alien civilization, and the men joke that they can not determine the sex of the unearthly suschestva.
9. Bork.Nu solid exotic and here - from the exterior to the way of dressing! 16,604,020
10. Lindsey Vikson.Kak and its peers Lily Cole, Lindsay also has a doll looks, which attracted some, while others on the contrary ottalkivaet.
11. And finally, a true delicacy - Lady herself Gaga.Da may appearance of women is far from obscheprinyath canons of beauty, but they have so much charm and charisma, which is more than enough. Looking at them, you realize that appearance - still not glavnoe.