In Munich, want to build a network veloshosse - dedicated high-speed bicycle paths
The famous bicycle "snake" in Copenhagen i>
The authorities of the German city of Munich рассмотрят the possibility of creating in his city an extensive road network for cyclists, in order to encourage non-car for the locals. Network speed velodorog to be completely separated from the road and pedestrian, stretched over an area of 1,000 km 2 sup>. It will include 14 roads, each having a width of 4 meters, which will not be pedestrian crossings, traffic lights, intersections and other obstacles. Velodorogi network called Radschnellverbindungen will connect the city center with the suburbs.
As explained by the urban planning office worker Birgit Castrop Munich is experiencing a big problem with traffic jams. Public transport of the city is also working at full capacity. In such circumstances, create a network of "veloshosse" will be a step towards a possible discharge routes.
The plan possible future network i>
Speed velodorogi should make life easier for those who have decided to transfer to the muscular vehicles, and reduce the time needed to get from home to work and back. Cyclists will be able to travel at an average speed of 20 km / h, without the need to slow down because of the intersections or other obstacles. They will not have to worry about the possibility to bring down a pedestrian or being hit by a passing car.
The growing popularity of electric bikes, coupled with the convenience of travel velobanu can really help both the city and residents. Of course, the effort on the road will have to spend more - but it will positively affect the health of the nation due to physical exertion and environmental improvement.
It is planned that the track length from 5 to 15 km will connect the business center of the city with the central part of a small regional cities, universities (as so many students work part time after the study) and employment centers. The network will be based on unoccupied land, small streets and existing bikeways.
In Europe, due to the relatively short distances and a relatively mild climate, the bicycle has become a popular substitute for other means of transport. In the first place for the implementation of bicycle lanes are traditionally Нидерланды, which has been allocated 28 velodorog great length. These tracks began to appear as early as the 1980s, and by 2025 the country plans to increase its total length to 675 km.
In Copenhagen last summer opened "velozmeya" - bicycle rack, effectively crossing the city center. Paris is investing $ 160 million in similar network dedicated velodorog, including five racks, the movement of which is almost completely separated from the rest of the traffic.
So far, the construction of Radschnellverbindungen not yet a foregone conclusion affair. The German authorities will review the project. According to preliminary calculations, the road will cost at least $ 1, 75 million per kilometer.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/259636/
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