Artful thinking, and especially the perception of sound
Rate themselves , your brain turns mumbling in a conscious bid.
Listen to the post above. Chief specialist in science Franklin Institute Dzhayatri Das ( Jayatri Das ) took only 50 seconds to demonstrate the fundamental capabilities of your brain.
It starts with the fact that plays a recording that contains specially treated phrase turned into a stream of unintelligible sounds. After the first listen to the phrase seemed to me totally meaningless. Das then plays a recording in its original form: a woman's voice saying the words "Next stop - the National Constitution Center." After that we give back to listen to an incomprehensible version of the recording, but this time we hear in absolute nonsense woven into the familiar words: "Next stop - the National Constitution Center».
But the point here is this: when our brain knows that to hear something that's what he hears, even if that is impossible in principle. No one can understand what the woman said on the record, without a clue, but after learning that she says is no longer possible to say she could not make out the phrase.
Amazing audioillyuziya!
Many believe that with the help of our senses are responsible for vision, hearing and touch, we perceive the world as it is. But it is not. By the perception of the world mixed with our own expectations.
A few weeks ago we had a similar experiment with sight, turns an idea of the phenomenon, choosing images that «нельзя razvidet ». The first example, which I came across was the logo of the World Cup in Brazil, like the man, depicting "feyspalm».
It is difficult not to see in the image Cup with a ball silhouette of a man with a hand attached to a person, when you set out to see him.
On the basis of the latest data on the work of our brain, philosopher Andy Clark (Andy Clark) from the University of Edinburgh, commented as follows: "This blurs the line between perception and cognition, perhaps even erases it».
The rumor - is the thought process, so the other [unrelated directly to deciphering the sounds] part of the brain is constantly interfering in it, prompting the ears that they should hear.
If you listen for slurred speech recording in the beginning of the post a couple of days, you bet, even in this case it will not be a complete nonsense. You will catch the meaning of a few words and recognize the rhythm of proposals.
The meaning of the noisy sound is maintained as long as I can remember exactly what it should be.
This is the power of cognitive expectations, and you can not consciously control it - it is beyond our capacity.
Source: geektimes.ru/company/audiomania/blog/252396/
Rate themselves , your brain turns mumbling in a conscious bid.
Listen to the post above. Chief specialist in science Franklin Institute Dzhayatri Das ( Jayatri Das ) took only 50 seconds to demonstrate the fundamental capabilities of your brain.
It starts with the fact that plays a recording that contains specially treated phrase turned into a stream of unintelligible sounds. After the first listen to the phrase seemed to me totally meaningless. Das then plays a recording in its original form: a woman's voice saying the words "Next stop - the National Constitution Center." After that we give back to listen to an incomprehensible version of the recording, but this time we hear in absolute nonsense woven into the familiar words: "Next stop - the National Constitution Center».
But the point here is this: when our brain knows that to hear something that's what he hears, even if that is impossible in principle. No one can understand what the woman said on the record, without a clue, but after learning that she says is no longer possible to say she could not make out the phrase.
Amazing audioillyuziya!
Many believe that with the help of our senses are responsible for vision, hearing and touch, we perceive the world as it is. But it is not. By the perception of the world mixed with our own expectations.
A few weeks ago we had a similar experiment with sight, turns an idea of the phenomenon, choosing images that «нельзя razvidet ». The first example, which I came across was the logo of the World Cup in Brazil, like the man, depicting "feyspalm».

It is difficult not to see in the image Cup with a ball silhouette of a man with a hand attached to a person, when you set out to see him.
On the basis of the latest data on the work of our brain, philosopher Andy Clark (Andy Clark) from the University of Edinburgh, commented as follows: "This blurs the line between perception and cognition, perhaps even erases it».
The rumor - is the thought process, so the other [unrelated directly to deciphering the sounds] part of the brain is constantly interfering in it, prompting the ears that they should hear.
If you listen for slurred speech recording in the beginning of the post a couple of days, you bet, even in this case it will not be a complete nonsense. You will catch the meaning of a few words and recognize the rhythm of proposals.
The meaning of the noisy sound is maintained as long as I can remember exactly what it should be.
This is the power of cognitive expectations, and you can not consciously control it - it is beyond our capacity.
Source: geektimes.ru/company/audiomania/blog/252396/