US Patriot Act, which gave the Agency to mass wiretapping, suspended its effects

Senator Rand Paul / John Pemble i>
Сенат The United States does not renew federal law known as Patriot Act (Патриотический act ), which was adopted after the terrorist attack September 11, 2001. The law has a limited duration, and because its extension is not passed in the Senate, the law was discontinued on the night of June 1. Agency NSA (National Security Agency, NSA) wiretap suspended mass, which it was in connection with the operation of this law, in advance, for 4 hours before midnight.
Instead, supporters of the Patriot Act are promoting the protection of privacy in 2013. & quot; USA Freedom Act & quot; ("Act on freedom of the United States"). His name - the acronym stands for "Act of Union and strengthening America by the end of the rights and wiretapping, massive data collection and online surveillance." Many provisions of the Act corrects a law allowing the program to work PRISM - in particular, it prohibits mass wiretapping and requires special services to obtain warrants for wiretapping specific people.
Due to the nature of the work of the Senate, any senator could block adoption of the law. In this case, the distinguished Senator Rand Paul, who has long opposed the practice of mass surveillance. He recently announced his intention to run for president in 2016. In connection with this action, US President Barack Obama accused Paul of trying to "score political points" on this matter.
Patriot Act, and more specifically, the act "On uniting and strengthening America by providing appropriate tools required for the suppression of terrorism and obstruction" of 2001, was passed shortly after the infamous terrorist attack, in which, according to the official version, Arab terrorists " Al Qaeda "by two hijacked planes brought down the World Trade Center held a third plane into the Pentagon and a fourth plane, where passengers rebelled against the seizure, fell into the box.
Also unprecedented broad powers that the security services have received in connection with the adoption of this law was more developed and adopted in 2007 a system PRISM, at the time the - top secret. It allows mass surveillance of the huge number of people to record, store and filter talks on telephone networks and the Internet. About it became known after one of NSA employees, Edward Snowden , in 2013, decided to report it public.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/251328/