The woman brought a computer recycling for $ 200,000

Electronic waste recycling center in Mountain View was surprised to find in a new batch of e-waste a unique computer Apple I, which is considered a rare instance of collectors, пишет local press. This is one of the party of the first generation of computers 50 that Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs and Ron Wayne soldered by hand in 1976 and sold for $ 666 per card.
Instead of being sent to the landfill, the company sold the computer to one of the private collector for $ 200 000. Now looking for this woman who so successfully cleaned the garage, throwing old stuff dead husband.
Private firm Clean Bay Area, which is engaged in the processing of electronic waste, received a box in the middle of April this year. On Friday evening, it brought a certain woman on the SUV. She refused to issue a tax refund and left. Order took personally vice president Gichun Victor (Victor Gichun). A few weeks later opened the box, and one of the staff recognized motherboard Apple I.
Without delay, the company has found a buyer for the rarity.
Victor said that the company's policy in this case involves revenue sharing of 50 to 50. But the woman did not leave his name. Now we need to find her and give $ 100 thousand. For her gift.

Clean Bay Area - a small company, it receives a gift of old computers, laboratory equipment, test equipment, and chips. Usually we have to deal with corporate clients, but a few times a week come to the doors of companies and individuals to get rid of unnecessary things.
To reward the woman should come to the warehouse Clean Bay Area in Milipitase. There Victor Gichun look and identifies it.
By the way, working Apple I was recently sold at auction for a record even $905 thous. On the first batch of computers remembers Steve Jobs in the presentation of 1980, representing Apple II.
Who knows how many more valuable things you can find in the old ancestral barns, basements, attics and landfills ...
Source: geektimes.ru/post/251278/
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