10 annoying bugs Apple (10 photos)
Macintosh, nicknamed the toaster, the application of which he was ashamed Jobs asocial network, the mouse that did not catch scratches on the iPhone and other most unpleasant facts.
Hundreds of millions of adherents, who decided for themselves what the best brand of Apple in the world there are outraged: the cards in the new iOS 6 became worse than before, and the body of the iPhone 5 is easily scratched. The company that is so committed to excellence, made a blunder, "when Jobs was not like this," they repeat like a mantra. But Apple throughout its history to stumble and worse - that's the most notable examples.
1. Why did Apple Macintosh 128K called toaster. 1984
Macintosh 128K is remembered as a breakthrough - it marked the beginning of an era of graphical interfaces, its promotional video "1984" went down in history. Finally, since it became known as the Apple computers poppies. However, he sold a lot worse than you'd expect from the revolutionary model. One of the main reasons for the refusal of the fan: Steve Jobs really like the computer is not noisy, distracting from work. As a result of damage from overheating it was very common, and the model was nicknamed "Beige toaster" that scared away many potential buyers. In 1987, Apple fixed, providing fans a new model Macintosh SE.
2. A series of Performa, which Jobs himself entangled. 1992
After the dismissal of Steve Jobs in the mid-1980s to the Apple began to encourage any expansion of the range, not understanding whether it is to consumers. The climax of this approach was a series of Performa: the model for it was taken from the other series, and renamed, giving the appearance of active work. Ordinary people infinite number of models only confuse, so that because of the abundance of new products sales fell instead of rising. Even the Jobs returned in 1997, was unable to understand the company's range, then simply created from scratch a new and radically more simple system.
3. Harmful stylus and mobile platform Newton. 1993
It would seem, PDAs with touchscreens - the direct predecessor victor iPhone, that's only an Apple device with the system Newton OS, developed at a time when the company led by John Sculley (pictured it represents a device), were far from triumph. There were many reasons (lack of battery life to the delays in the development), but one of them was fundamental for Jobs: the input device has been hateful stylus. It is not surprising that soon after his return to Apple, he closed this direction. And in 2007, when the iPhone was one of the first smartphone with a stylus, it turned out that people really prefer to manage a handheld device with your fingers.
4. Round Mouse: elegant, but annoying. 1998
Unveiled the first computer series iMac, Jobs called it a mouse-shaped washers "the best arm in the world." However, although the iMac took good opinion of customers about the mouse it turned out just the opposite. The fact is that to touch it is easy to take the right (to move the cursor after the hand, not to the side or back), and the user had to watch every time, whether it is a button away. As a result, the company first had to make small changes, and then all went back to the traditional form of the mouse with the release of Apple Pro Mouse. On the "puck" since no longer remembered.
5. CD-drive iMac: frustrated music lovers. 1999
Steve Jobs hated drawers CD-drives, preferring minimalist slotted disc. Therefore, although the very first iMac in 1998 was equipped with a tray, next year the company moved to the slot. A year later it turned out that it was a big mistake that people increasingly want to download music and burn it to disk - and drives with a slot was just read. The main trouble is that in the case of the iMac, unlike conventional PC, it was impossible to buy a new actuator and insert in place of the old. As a result, the computer had already called the media "gold standard", dramatically lost in popularity.
However, there is a silver lining: the blow to the musical side was one of the reasons for the emergence in 2001, iPod, which allowed music fans to abandon the drive. A drive with slots later learned still burn CDs, so that today's iMac still go without trays.
6. Computer Power Mac G4 Cube: for the museum, not the user. 2000
"Glass Cube" was perhaps the most effective solution designers at Apple, Jonathan Ive - no wonder he was in the New York Museum of Modern Art. However, the price of $ 1,799 has been solid even for Apple, and the target audience is not quite clear: ordinary people were fascinated by the iMac (what the system unit if sufficiently monitor?) And demanding professionals preferred the Power Mac G4 (more features for less money). As a result, the demand was so low that in 2001 production model rolled. Since then, connoisseurs outbid each other used items.
7. MobileMe: application to learn how Jobs' self-criticism. 2008
Simultaneously with iPhone 3G was announced two Internet project: the App Store and a set of online services MobileMe (the address book, photo gallery, file storage, and so on. N.). But when the first came to fame, he became the second patient corn Apple. In his press pass inconvenience due to his criticism of Jobs once he yelled at their own employees. Popularity of the service, to put it mildly, did not use. As a result, three years later it was changed to iCloud - introducing a new web service and telling about its merits, even stingy on self-criticism Jobs admitted: MobileMe «was not our finest hour».
8. iPhone 4 antenna: small and large engineering flaw PR-error. 2010
Communication problems in the fourth iPhone led to grandiose scandal "antennageyt» - Apple even had to arrange a special event to respond to the criticism. It Jobs promised free to provide all members with special covers. In fact, from here flies did the elephant: how many surveys show, the inconvenience experienced very few users. So, while large-scale rendering really happened, it does not refer to engineering solutions, and to public relations: Steve Jobs received from the user an "my iPhone loses its connection when I take the metal sidewall" categorically replied, "Just keep it otherwise "than infuriated many. Find it then softer words - and probably regrets it was limited to individual customers about the fact that nothing in the world is not perfect, even a smartphone Apple.
9. The social service Ping: fashionable, but not necessary. 2010
In 2010, it was obvious that for the social Internet services and the future need to quickly jump on this train. About filmed Facebook, Like button we have implemented millions of websites, and Google had plans to create your own social network. Apple succumbed to fashion and decided to supplement its own iTunes music network Ping, allowing artists to subscribe to recommend to friends and music. Two years later, it became clear that from the venture did not work out, and this September Ping abolished, replaced by a simple feysbuchnymi "likes". However, social network Google+ is also not a success, and even after a successful Facebook go public quickly began to fall in price.
10. Maps and scratches the iPhone 5: otherwise it could not be. 2012
The two main claims to the new iPhone: the new mapping application loses much what it was before, and the rear panel is very easily covered with scratches. Are they fair? In order that the new maps are far from ideal, it is difficult to argue - there is a blog that illustrates their mistakes. However, it is worth remembering that the previously used data from Google Maps, painstakingly gathering a lot of years, and the new Apple app for the first time tries to act independently. Surely in the coming months, the most egregious aspects will be corrected and the reason for the claim will be less. Also awaiting the release of Google's own applications - then everyone can choose for myself what cards prefers.
As for the scratching of the aluminum case, the magnitude of the problem seems to be exaggerated. Based on tests of various publications, iPhone 5 really scratched lighter than its predecessor - just because aluminum is not as scratch-resistant as glass used previously. In general, although both features of the iPhone 5 is really unpleasant, they do not call the catastrophe: in Apple's history were more serious problems.
Hundreds of millions of adherents, who decided for themselves what the best brand of Apple in the world there are outraged: the cards in the new iOS 6 became worse than before, and the body of the iPhone 5 is easily scratched. The company that is so committed to excellence, made a blunder, "when Jobs was not like this," they repeat like a mantra. But Apple throughout its history to stumble and worse - that's the most notable examples.
1. Why did Apple Macintosh 128K called toaster. 1984
Macintosh 128K is remembered as a breakthrough - it marked the beginning of an era of graphical interfaces, its promotional video "1984" went down in history. Finally, since it became known as the Apple computers poppies. However, he sold a lot worse than you'd expect from the revolutionary model. One of the main reasons for the refusal of the fan: Steve Jobs really like the computer is not noisy, distracting from work. As a result of damage from overheating it was very common, and the model was nicknamed "Beige toaster" that scared away many potential buyers. In 1987, Apple fixed, providing fans a new model Macintosh SE.

2. A series of Performa, which Jobs himself entangled. 1992
After the dismissal of Steve Jobs in the mid-1980s to the Apple began to encourage any expansion of the range, not understanding whether it is to consumers. The climax of this approach was a series of Performa: the model for it was taken from the other series, and renamed, giving the appearance of active work. Ordinary people infinite number of models only confuse, so that because of the abundance of new products sales fell instead of rising. Even the Jobs returned in 1997, was unable to understand the company's range, then simply created from scratch a new and radically more simple system.

3. Harmful stylus and mobile platform Newton. 1993
It would seem, PDAs with touchscreens - the direct predecessor victor iPhone, that's only an Apple device with the system Newton OS, developed at a time when the company led by John Sculley (pictured it represents a device), were far from triumph. There were many reasons (lack of battery life to the delays in the development), but one of them was fundamental for Jobs: the input device has been hateful stylus. It is not surprising that soon after his return to Apple, he closed this direction. And in 2007, when the iPhone was one of the first smartphone with a stylus, it turned out that people really prefer to manage a handheld device with your fingers.

4. Round Mouse: elegant, but annoying. 1998
Unveiled the first computer series iMac, Jobs called it a mouse-shaped washers "the best arm in the world." However, although the iMac took good opinion of customers about the mouse it turned out just the opposite. The fact is that to touch it is easy to take the right (to move the cursor after the hand, not to the side or back), and the user had to watch every time, whether it is a button away. As a result, the company first had to make small changes, and then all went back to the traditional form of the mouse with the release of Apple Pro Mouse. On the "puck" since no longer remembered.

5. CD-drive iMac: frustrated music lovers. 1999
Steve Jobs hated drawers CD-drives, preferring minimalist slotted disc. Therefore, although the very first iMac in 1998 was equipped with a tray, next year the company moved to the slot. A year later it turned out that it was a big mistake that people increasingly want to download music and burn it to disk - and drives with a slot was just read. The main trouble is that in the case of the iMac, unlike conventional PC, it was impossible to buy a new actuator and insert in place of the old. As a result, the computer had already called the media "gold standard", dramatically lost in popularity.
However, there is a silver lining: the blow to the musical side was one of the reasons for the emergence in 2001, iPod, which allowed music fans to abandon the drive. A drive with slots later learned still burn CDs, so that today's iMac still go without trays.

6. Computer Power Mac G4 Cube: for the museum, not the user. 2000
"Glass Cube" was perhaps the most effective solution designers at Apple, Jonathan Ive - no wonder he was in the New York Museum of Modern Art. However, the price of $ 1,799 has been solid even for Apple, and the target audience is not quite clear: ordinary people were fascinated by the iMac (what the system unit if sufficiently monitor?) And demanding professionals preferred the Power Mac G4 (more features for less money). As a result, the demand was so low that in 2001 production model rolled. Since then, connoisseurs outbid each other used items.

7. MobileMe: application to learn how Jobs' self-criticism. 2008
Simultaneously with iPhone 3G was announced two Internet project: the App Store and a set of online services MobileMe (the address book, photo gallery, file storage, and so on. N.). But when the first came to fame, he became the second patient corn Apple. In his press pass inconvenience due to his criticism of Jobs once he yelled at their own employees. Popularity of the service, to put it mildly, did not use. As a result, three years later it was changed to iCloud - introducing a new web service and telling about its merits, even stingy on self-criticism Jobs admitted: MobileMe «was not our finest hour».

8. iPhone 4 antenna: small and large engineering flaw PR-error. 2010
Communication problems in the fourth iPhone led to grandiose scandal "antennageyt» - Apple even had to arrange a special event to respond to the criticism. It Jobs promised free to provide all members with special covers. In fact, from here flies did the elephant: how many surveys show, the inconvenience experienced very few users. So, while large-scale rendering really happened, it does not refer to engineering solutions, and to public relations: Steve Jobs received from the user an "my iPhone loses its connection when I take the metal sidewall" categorically replied, "Just keep it otherwise "than infuriated many. Find it then softer words - and probably regrets it was limited to individual customers about the fact that nothing in the world is not perfect, even a smartphone Apple.

9. The social service Ping: fashionable, but not necessary. 2010
In 2010, it was obvious that for the social Internet services and the future need to quickly jump on this train. About filmed Facebook, Like button we have implemented millions of websites, and Google had plans to create your own social network. Apple succumbed to fashion and decided to supplement its own iTunes music network Ping, allowing artists to subscribe to recommend to friends and music. Two years later, it became clear that from the venture did not work out, and this September Ping abolished, replaced by a simple feysbuchnymi "likes". However, social network Google+ is also not a success, and even after a successful Facebook go public quickly began to fall in price.

10. Maps and scratches the iPhone 5: otherwise it could not be. 2012
The two main claims to the new iPhone: the new mapping application loses much what it was before, and the rear panel is very easily covered with scratches. Are they fair? In order that the new maps are far from ideal, it is difficult to argue - there is a blog that illustrates their mistakes. However, it is worth remembering that the previously used data from Google Maps, painstakingly gathering a lot of years, and the new Apple app for the first time tries to act independently. Surely in the coming months, the most egregious aspects will be corrected and the reason for the claim will be less. Also awaiting the release of Google's own applications - then everyone can choose for myself what cards prefers.
As for the scratching of the aluminum case, the magnitude of the problem seems to be exaggerated. Based on tests of various publications, iPhone 5 really scratched lighter than its predecessor - just because aluminum is not as scratch-resistant as glass used previously. In general, although both features of the iPhone 5 is really unpleasant, they do not call the catastrophe: in Apple's history were more serious problems.