In the Amazon will try to post a purchase in the trunk of the car the customer

Photo DHL i> sup>
Amazon in cooperation with the German logistics company DHL will try to провести Experiment and will deliver purchases from online store not only to a specific address, and literally in the trunk of the car the customer. The idea would be to try this month in Munich, and so far only with the owners of cars Audi, which will give its consent.
The meaning of the experiment is to reduce the rate of return assumptions, which could not be delivered to the addressee. In the Amazon, in order to avoid such situations offer the following scheme to implement. When you purchase goods store offers not only the delivery of parcels to the home, and offer and put in the trunk of the car buyer, so that he got it when he really is convenient.
Thus solved several problems. On the one hand, the customer almost guaranteed to receive your parcel, although it may not be right in your hands. Courier service is likely to avoid a situation where non-delivery of the parcel must be returned ago, while spending time and money, and useful place in the warehouse.
The procedure for this is as follows: the buyer appoints a time when the courier should come to his car. In this case, the owner of a car - in this case, Audi - will have to agree to a logistics center was able to track the position of the machine and make sure that it really is in the place that have the buyer when ordering. Courier gets some digital code to access the trunk of a car, which can be used only once and only at certain times. Sending falls into the trunk of the buyer, the machine is closed again and the code loses its effect.
So far, the program can participate residents of Munich, who are also owners of Audi and members of Amazon Prime. The experimental results will be published in a month.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/249408/