Details on domestic battery Tesla

Sources close to the company Tesla, the network leaked information about testing in 330 homes a new product - a rechargeable battery for use at home. This new product Elon Musk, he will promote the wake of the success of its EVs.
About the test batteries following is known:
- The battery must be installed at a height of 50 cm from the floor, and leave 30 cm of free space on all sides
- The size of the battery about 1 m 70 cm
- It does not make noise, does not drip and does not require maintenance
- It is built in the inverter
- Available battery energy reserve of 10 and 15 kWh
Battery can be controlled from the iPhone via web-interface. If the house has solar panels can charge the battery from them, and then sell energy to electrical energy in the company, reducing the bill for electricity. It is also possible to charge the battery from the mains at night and use the energy of the day, saving on energy costs thanks to the night tariff. The cost of leasing the battery: $ 1,500 immediately and $ 15 / month for 10 years.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/249202/
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