Hundreds of thousands of nearby galaxies trace the activities supercivilizations not found

The images of nebulae "heart" and "soul" in the infrared range, made space telescope WISE i>
The search for a massive infrared radiation, which would produce the presence of galactic civilizations in nearby galaxies to us, nor to no avail. Such a conclusion was made by team of astronomers led by Jason Wright, who for more than two years worked on the study data , the infrared telescope WISE .

Telescope WISE i>
In 1963, the Russian astronomer Nikolai Kardashev invented classification of intelligent civilizations in the number of their energy consumption. In Type 1, he raised his civilization, makes full use of all the energy of the planet. Our civilization has not yet reached this stage. Astronomer Carl Sagan, who developed this classification and added a non-integer values, assessed our type of 0.7 and gave several centuries to achieve the whole unit.
Type 2 civilization already has the ability to потреблять all the energy star . Physicist Freeman Dyson has popularized the idea, finding her in a fantasy novel Olaf Stapledon "Star Maker". Theoretically, if you build around a star field, it will absorb all the energy emitted by the star. This energy can be directed to the needs of advanced civilization.
Type 3 is not satisfied with energy star and uses the energy of the entire galaxy - that is, somehow collects and recycles the energy of all or most of its stars of the galaxy. With such a significant energy consumption of its surplus will inevitably be emitted in the infrared. As a result, the galaxy will emit more heat than light.
It is such a galaxy, astronomers searched for the project. Filtered automatically over 100,000 objects, which feature in the catalog, astronomers have identified about 50 galaxies that emit more in the heat than light in the range. Check them all out by hand, scientists decided that none of them does not fit the described parameters.
"Search for the lack of light and at the same time the presence of heat - it's a cool idea, - считает astrophysicist James Annis of Fermilab. - No matter how galactic civilization receives or uses energy, because the second law of thermodynamics says that this energy hard to hide. They can build a Dyson sphere, to receive energy from rotating black holes, build a giant computer network on the cold galactic backyard - all this would produce too much heat. Wright's team studied the maximum of the curve, where you could find such excessive heat, and nothing obvious was not found ».
Do not be upset, and assume that this study indicates the absence of the studied galaxies civilizations more advanced than ours. It is possible that the development of civilization simply do not need as much energy as it had to take away as many as the stars. More Stanislaw Lem in his treatise & quot; Сумма Technology & quot; criticized the idea of extrapolating the development of technologies in which the future - it is only now multiply and multiply uncontrollably all sentient beings require more space for living and energy consumption.
The search for surplus heat in something similar to the program SETI, has fled the planet looking for intelligent beings radiation. It is possible that an advanced civilization learns more economical use of energy, so it has no surplus that would be poured into space in large quantities. And traces of civilization are not found because they simply do not leave.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/249212/
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