Astrophysicists have found in space bridges of dark matter

The motion of matter in the vicinity of the Local Group i>
German astrophysicist at the Potsdam Astrophysics Institute in the observation of the motion of the galaxies closest to us установили, between our local group of galaxies and the Virgo cluster stretched thin "bridge" from the dark matter .
This finding may explain why the dwarf galaxies made to gather in clusters, disk-shaped, rather than evenly scattered in space. These disks can be millions of light-years in diameter, and the thickness of them thus can be only tens of thousands of light years. The center of the disk is close to the major galaxies - such as our Milky Way or Andromeda.
In his work scientists say that the fact that the uneven distribution of galaxies in space is confirmed by numerous observations, all computer simulations show that in the absence of other factors such distribution of dwarf galaxies should not be.
Apparently, the mysterious factor that via gravity affects the distribution of dwarf galaxies, dark matter is.

On the large scale matter in the universe is distributed uniformly not quite - it accumulates around the "threads" linked together. Scientists believe that these threads - a bridge of dark matter, exchanged a through space.
As stated in the paper, "Analysis indicates that the Local Group of galaxies and galaxy Centaurus A is in the thread, stretching along the Virgo cluster and compressed because of the expansion of local void. Four of the five planes of satellite galaxies aligned with the axis of the pressure exerted by the Local emptiness ».
How to describe it one of the authors Noam Libeskind: "For the first time, we received confirmation of how vast space of the galaxy along the highway trafficked bridges of dark matter." The size of the galactic disc dwarf galaxies is about 1% of the size of this "bridge».
Virgo cluster - a cluster of galaxies located approximately 65 million. Light years away from the Local Group. In turn, the local group of galaxies - gravitationally bound group of galaxies that includes the Milky Way, the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) and the Triangulum Galaxy (M33). In the Local Group consists of more than 50 galaxies. This number is constantly growing with the discovery of new.
Local emptiness - a huge empty space adjacent to the Local Group. It was opened in 1987 and looks like three sectors separated by filamentous bridges of matter. The size of the voids is from 150 to 230 million. Light-years across.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/259102/