Fuel from air and water engineers have created a revolutionary system for artificial photosynthesis

The scheme of work the miracle of i>
Scientists from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California created a system a >, which converts carbon dioxide into the acetate using solar energy. Actually, the system simulates photosynthesis based on the work which the fuel can be obtained, polymers and other chemicals. According to scientists, the discovery makes a breakthrough in the biosynthesis.
"Under natural leaf photosynthesis receive energy from the sun and recycle carbon dioxide to a reaction with water to create a molecule of forming the biomass, - говорит Chris Chang , one of the authors. - In our system nanowire obtained solar bacteria and deliver electrons, whereby carbon dioxide is recycled and combined with water to give different output chemicals ».
It all starts in the "artificial forest" of elongated nanostructures of silicon and titanium dioxide. It works similar to chlorophyll way. In the absorption of sunlight components of different frequencies generated electron-hole pairs. Electrons enter bacteria Sporomusa ovata to recover CO 2 sup>, and the holes of the water molecule is cleaved and receive oxygen. Further into the act other bacteria, E.coli, which is synthesized from a given chemical is ready acetates.

Wild bacteria in titanium nanolesu i>
In this process, researchers have been able to receive the n-butanol, a hydrocarbon, isoprene polymer and biodegradable PHB. In case of successful implementation of the system, we can create the necessary we plastics and fuel, rather than to produce the required raw materials for their production out of the ground at the same time reducing the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/249178/
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