We, Terranes, do not do this
"Ancient Martians died as a result of use of nuclear weapons." Such is the theory of Dr. John Brandenburg presented them in Houston on 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, organized by NASA in November 2014.
John Brandenburg - plasma physicist at Orbital Technologies of Madison, Wisconsin, where he works on the topic of plasma space propulsion . In addition, he devoted himself to issues of space, energy and national defense. He has published two books about Mars: "Dead Mars, Dying Earth" (1999) and "Life and Death on Mars: The New Mars Synthesis" (2011) about the climate catastrophe that caused the mass extinction - the fall of a large asteroid in late geological history of Mars caused long-term greenhouse effect and the disappearance of the ocean that covered Mars.
A new theory about the death of an ancient civilization on Mars, will be published in his new book «Death on Mars» and is based on the content in the atmosphere of a high concentration of Xenon-129 and the results of the spacecraft Mars Odyssey Orbiter, celebrated on the Martian surface thin layer of radioactive substances: uranium, thorium and radioactive potassium.
A large amount of radioactive isotopes in the atmosphere of Mars resemble a consequence of the hydrogen bomb tests, and Dr. John Brandenburg argues that Mars found glassy substance corresponding Trinitite a > found on Earth in places of nuclear weapon tests in the atmosphere, and this confirms his hypothesis of a massive nuclear strike. According to him, "so far no scientist offered no explanation for this data set."
John Brandenburg argues that a hydrogen bomb equivalent to a billion megatons occurred in two regions of Mars: Cydonia Mensa and Galaxias Chaos, turning vast areas in the "glass". At the time of the accident, according to John, the planet had a climate similar to Earth, such as temperature and atmospheric pressure, with a powerful biosphere and atmosphere rich in oxygen. Ancient Martians Cydonians and Utopians, were destroyed by a nuclear strike some alien race. The reason for the same was "excessive noise" Martian civilization. Branderbug argues that the same fate may befall earthlings, so you need as quickly as possible to send to Mars manned mission and understand the story in place.
PS Lenta.ru also noticed this theory and asked to comment on the . Thank for comment.
John Brandenburg - plasma physicist at Orbital Technologies of Madison, Wisconsin, where he works on the topic of plasma space propulsion . In addition, he devoted himself to issues of space, energy and national defense. He has published two books about Mars: "Dead Mars, Dying Earth" (1999) and "Life and Death on Mars: The New Mars Synthesis" (2011) about the climate catastrophe that caused the mass extinction - the fall of a large asteroid in late geological history of Mars caused long-term greenhouse effect and the disappearance of the ocean that covered Mars.
A new theory about the death of an ancient civilization on Mars, will be published in his new book «Death on Mars» and is based on the content in the atmosphere of a high concentration of Xenon-129 and the results of the spacecraft Mars Odyssey Orbiter, celebrated on the Martian surface thin layer of radioactive substances: uranium, thorium and radioactive potassium.
A large amount of radioactive isotopes in the atmosphere of Mars resemble a consequence of the hydrogen bomb tests, and Dr. John Brandenburg argues that Mars found glassy substance corresponding Trinitite a > found on Earth in places of nuclear weapon tests in the atmosphere, and this confirms his hypothesis of a massive nuclear strike. According to him, "so far no scientist offered no explanation for this data set."
John Brandenburg argues that a hydrogen bomb equivalent to a billion megatons occurred in two regions of Mars: Cydonia Mensa and Galaxias Chaos, turning vast areas in the "glass". At the time of the accident, according to John, the planet had a climate similar to Earth, such as temperature and atmospheric pressure, with a powerful biosphere and atmosphere rich in oxygen. Ancient Martians Cydonians and Utopians, were destroyed by a nuclear strike some alien race. The reason for the same was "excessive noise" Martian civilization. Branderbug argues that the same fate may befall earthlings, so you need as quickly as possible to send to Mars manned mission and understand the story in place.
PS Lenta.ru also noticed this theory and asked to comment on the . Thank for comment.