Geksasfera: a breakthrough in the polyhedral geometry

Most believe that the era of the great discoveries in the field of geometry already passed. But it is - misleading. A few days ago scientists from Institute of Science and Technology Austria first time managed to build a regular decomposition of the sphere into hexagons. The studies used the latest advances in algebraic geometry and topology. According to the authors, to solve the problem it took months of computer calculations.
The news about a break-through appeared on the personal page team leader. There you can find an interactive model of the partition, called geksasfera (hexasphere). Geksasfera has the full symmetry group, so crucial in coding theory, mathematics and architectural potential in chemistry, where the carbon molecules in the form of geksasfery may soon displace fullerenes.
Tops geksasfery equidistant from its neighbors. According to the researchers, it may help to solve one of the major problems of controlled thermonuclear fusion - a uniform flow of energy.
By the way, two of the three researchers - came from Russia. And one, apparently, is registered on geektimes. akopyan , congratulations on the impressive success!
Source: geektimes.ru/post/248214/