Restaurants of the future: Ukrainian company creates a global network of institutions with interactive tables
Finished table, made an order to the waiter, waited, ate and paid - this is the schema that is already more than a hundred years, people are served in most restaurants. It seems that this scheme is established and firm, but the creators of the project Interactive Restaurant Technology this fundamentally disagree.
Since its launch in 2011, has opened three restaurants that use technology in their work IRT - Cyprus, Dubai and Abu Dhabi. And already built several new - in Europe, North America and Asia. Ukrainian project also became a resident program Microsoft BizSpark.
About the technology and features. B>
In institutions working on IRT technology, visitors sit at the large interactive table, with their help make orders, make purchases online and communicate with other visitors. Even the interior of the restaurant may vary, because the touch panel can display any image.
Despite the significant amount of investment, two restaurants, open the project Interactive Restaurant Technology, has already paid off. And the company itself IRT, founded just four years ago, already estimated at tens of millions of dollars.
Technical realization
Technology, which is now used in the same Microsoft Surface or iPad, you can not use in restaurants. Firstly, such a panel can not be made larger than 23-30 inches. And this limitation is not production, but the physical: in such screens used indium-titanium-oxide (ITO) and the speed of movement of the electrons, we will have no effect. Second, all of these devices glass thickness from 0, 4 to 1, 2-1, 4 mm - imagine what would happen if a glass you will rest all the weight. In the world there is simply no sensor technology that could work through a glass thickness of 10 mm. Thirdly, it was necessary to develop a touchscreen, which can work for many users at the same time: the majority of the number of simultaneous touch screens touch is limited to ten. In general, there were many technical nuances that made smash his head and come up with something new.
As a result, the technology was developed, which has no analogues in the world. For example, a table that can recognize the shape of the object, to "understand" that put on the table, or phone plug, recognize faces seated and determine the sex, etc. All tables runs on Windows.
The payback period
Now there are three restaurants, one in Cyprus (Oshi), two more - in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Two restaurants - Cyprus and Dubai - already fully recouped their investments, one in five, the second in 11 months.
Investments in Cyprus amounted to a restaurant - 460 000 euros, he paid off in 5, 5 months and has since earned. In Dubai - $ 970 000, he paid for itself in 11 months. Where profits. Firstly, the increase in sales by 32%, selling corny using tables more food and drinks. Secondly - to save on staff. Typically, in a restaurant with 100 seats need 8-9 waiters here - two. Cyprus salary waiter - 1000 euros, respectively, net savings only on wages amount to 6-7 thousand.
If we take the turnover of the restaurant for 100% classic restaurant model it will be somewhere in 48% (selling food and drinks). Another 52% - it is advertising, and all that goes with it. For example, a wine company wants to sell wine to steaks - and tables can be used as e-commerce-tool. Or Coca-Cola, books FM broadcast with their logo, Adidas buys advertising banners shoes, etc. If you take the world average, the margin "on food" in the classic restaurant - about 30%, then - 90.
Sensory booths provide atmospheric, wah, which motivates a person to come again and bring friends. It is possible to randomly change the image of wall panels. Very well it works for the holidays. Imagine a wedding where the entire restaurant can be turned into a fairy tale with a crumbling rose petals - thus do not need to spend money on decor.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/248086/

Since its launch in 2011, has opened three restaurants that use technology in their work IRT - Cyprus, Dubai and Abu Dhabi. And already built several new - in Europe, North America and Asia. Ukrainian project also became a resident program Microsoft BizSpark.
About the technology and features. B>
In institutions working on IRT technology, visitors sit at the large interactive table, with their help make orders, make purchases online and communicate with other visitors. Even the interior of the restaurant may vary, because the touch panel can display any image.
Despite the significant amount of investment, two restaurants, open the project Interactive Restaurant Technology, has already paid off. And the company itself IRT, founded just four years ago, already estimated at tens of millions of dollars.

Technical realization
Technology, which is now used in the same Microsoft Surface or iPad, you can not use in restaurants. Firstly, such a panel can not be made larger than 23-30 inches. And this limitation is not production, but the physical: in such screens used indium-titanium-oxide (ITO) and the speed of movement of the electrons, we will have no effect. Second, all of these devices glass thickness from 0, 4 to 1, 2-1, 4 mm - imagine what would happen if a glass you will rest all the weight. In the world there is simply no sensor technology that could work through a glass thickness of 10 mm. Thirdly, it was necessary to develop a touchscreen, which can work for many users at the same time: the majority of the number of simultaneous touch screens touch is limited to ten. In general, there were many technical nuances that made smash his head and come up with something new.
As a result, the technology was developed, which has no analogues in the world. For example, a table that can recognize the shape of the object, to "understand" that put on the table, or phone plug, recognize faces seated and determine the sex, etc. All tables runs on Windows.

The payback period
Now there are three restaurants, one in Cyprus (Oshi), two more - in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Two restaurants - Cyprus and Dubai - already fully recouped their investments, one in five, the second in 11 months.
Investments in Cyprus amounted to a restaurant - 460 000 euros, he paid off in 5, 5 months and has since earned. In Dubai - $ 970 000, he paid for itself in 11 months. Where profits. Firstly, the increase in sales by 32%, selling corny using tables more food and drinks. Secondly - to save on staff. Typically, in a restaurant with 100 seats need 8-9 waiters here - two. Cyprus salary waiter - 1000 euros, respectively, net savings only on wages amount to 6-7 thousand.
If we take the turnover of the restaurant for 100% classic restaurant model it will be somewhere in 48% (selling food and drinks). Another 52% - it is advertising, and all that goes with it. For example, a wine company wants to sell wine to steaks - and tables can be used as e-commerce-tool. Or Coca-Cola, books FM broadcast with their logo, Adidas buys advertising banners shoes, etc. If you take the world average, the margin "on food" in the classic restaurant - about 30%, then - 90.
Sensory booths provide atmospheric, wah, which motivates a person to come again and bring friends. It is possible to randomly change the image of wall panels. Very well it works for the holidays. Imagine a wedding where the entire restaurant can be turned into a fairy tale with a crumbling rose petals - thus do not need to spend money on decor.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/248086/
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