Users month secretly taught sign language to deaf neighbor surprise
Muharrem, a deaf man from Istanbul, incredibly surprised when one fine day all the neighborhood spoke to him in sign language! To prepare for a man such a surprise, a team of people from Samsung and the advertising agency Leo Burnett installed hidden cameras and a month taught all the neighborhood Muharrem language zhestov.
Neighbors taught sign language mesyats
Installing hidden kamer
On the appointed day Ozlem, Muharrem's sister, came with his brother on progulku.
Newbie wished them a good morning in the language zhestov
Baker motioned them fresh vypechku
The man dropped the package of oranges. Muharrem helped raise them ...
A stranger with gestures suggested Muharrem and his sister yabloki
Muharrem wondered - do all these passers-by also gluhie
And in a taxi Muharrem greeted voditel
In the town square Muharrem waited main surprise - he saw the neighbors, who are now able to communicate with them in a language zhestov
Muharrem could not hold back tears. How important it is to overcome communication barriers, and how difficult deaf people live without obscheniya.
This action is also devoted to the new call center Samsung for deaf and hearing impaired people in Turkey. It's nice when advertising is not only attracts the attention of society, but also makes it better.
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