We decided to find out why people use Raspberry

After compilation mini-boards for developers , we are seriously thinking about what such devices made by people and held a contest for visitors to our site!
The result was obtained several interesting works, or rather six, and that, frankly, is six times more than we originally expected.
The brightest show here:
- Interactive robot with expressive eyes;
- Radio for supermarkets;
- The prototype remote probe;
- Smart greenhouse for the balcony or loggia.
The prototype robot android
According to the developer, the project objectives were as follows:
- Create a humanoid robot;
- To teach the robot to speak;
- Make a computer vision system.
While the project is in its early stage of development. However, the developers have managed to establish a speech recognition system at the elementary level, collect disparate elements into a coherent whole, to connect the two chambers enclosing them in "the eye».
Works all based on Raspberry Pi, and the current task of developers is to create a computer system "view." As mentioned above, the camera enclosed in "eyeballs", and all this can be rotated in different directions.
If anyone wants to contact the developers, you can do so here, in the "VC» .
Now the guys are working on the following tasks:
1) Mechanics of motor rotation and eye opening and closing them, as well as the subsequent binding to their target (observation of human presence);
2) Mechanics of motor rotation of the head (paramount, its rotation axis and side bends);
3) The mechanics of hand movements (gestures one, and subsequently both hands, followed by a solution of specific binding reactions to certain gestures and phrases.
Online radio for shopping centers and supermarkets RMPI (RMC + PI)
The main task - to create a distributed network of radio sets for shopping centers and supermarkets, with the possibility of local broadcasting, for each of the stores.
Management system is made of a central administration panel: select the desired store, at the point on the network to send music tracks, and, if necessary, commercials. There is a possibility of exhibiting periodicity and broadcast time, when the music stops playing advertising.
The project itself has been around for 4 years, was created to reduce the cost of the workstation. In 2014, the project has been modified, as the main control is selected mini-PC Raspberry Pi.
Prototype remote probe (all-terrain vehicle, UAV, amphibian) based Raspebrry Pi B v2 with Raspbian
According to the developers, the project was created in order to produce a prototype of a universal remote probe, such as all-terrain vehicle all terrain, amphibious vehicle or aircraft.
System Features:
- The speed of 5-7 km / h.
- Good permeability.
- About 13 hours of standby time (without overclocking).
- About 5 hours of continuous movement (without overclocking).
- The independent suspension (chassis taken from the Chinese toy SUV).
- It is possible to completely seal the casing machine.
- It took about 3 months ul>.
System Configuration:
- RPi (all kernel configuration by default)
- USB WEB-camera with HD resolution
- Wi-Fi / 3G
- Rotary engines for movement (rear wheel drive)
- Power Supply 12V 12a / h in the form of AGM batteries
- The inverter DC-DC 12- & gt; 5V PWM
Smart greenhouse on the balcony - a prototype
The system works on the basis of Arduino UNO. Equipped with a temperature sensor, humidity, water pump, etc. We have implemented automatic watering plants. Humidity sensor is determined by humidity and compared with the values that have been set in advance and depending on the values of the water pump is activated and implemented watering for a specified time.
In addition, there is a climate control system. If the sensor shows the temperature is too high, the servo is activated, open windows. If the temperature goes down, the active hood. If the temperature is lower than it should be included heating.
Pop to the author, the system can be scaled, used for greenhouses of all sizes.
Game console-based Raspberry
Author of the project created a set top box based on the Raspberry Pi. The prefix can not only play in the 8-16 bit games, as well as thoughts, Duke Nukem, Quake, maynkraft, but also broadcast on TV any video from the web, view domestic media archives. Furthermore, it is possible to connect a keyboard and mouse. On the device have been installed and RASBMS RETROPIE.
Actually, the author simply a slightly modified body home consoles, insert the mini-PC and connect the necessary cables, a little solder all that was needed for the ports.
Prizes: Perhaps this is a bit silly, but as the main prizes we offered again board: Raspberry and Verve, as well as pro-discount coupons to 35% of them to all comers.
Promotional coupons valid to this day:
Raspberry code "Malina" will cost 2275 rubles
Verve-2 code "fee" will cost 5525 rubles.
Report if to such events you have an interest, as it would have been nice to see you in the future participants of the contest.
Source: geektimes.ru/company/medgadgets/blog/247006/
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