IF WINDOWS was written in ODESSA
1. After Windows appears "Taki I boot! "And within 15 minutes of playing melody" Seven Forty ", which can be neither suspended nor canceled.
2. When you press the "Start" message "Well, you sho klatsat here, would go better football played ...».
3. Keyboard driver automatically converts the letter "g" in the letter "x" and the letter "h" in the letter "w».
4. When you open a new document by default it is assigned by the name "Schaub you were zdorov.doc».
6. When you open any folder or file, a warning message appears: "And it is you have to go there? »
7. When you install any program message appears: "Well, where are you going to write shmuck? You bought a new hard? »
8. The file sizes are specified up to a bit, but instead of the built-in timer counter power consumption during operation of the computer.
9. When you call the help system always appears instruction on the preparation of stuffed fish.
10. Every 30 minutes, automatically turns savescreener with the inscription: "Oh-wei, I'm tired ...