The story of one wedding
- And I know how my wife and I met her? Oh!
Calls once the call. I open - worth unprecedented krasy.Blondinka girl, slim, all the way through. And so to me angrily:
- Sysh, in my life I have never met a guy who would take me two months did not notice!
I'm dropping out, silently. She:
-You On the balcony every day shake their iron things, and I live on the other hand! I too was sunbathing th * oh, and danced. By the end I'm just screaming! And you - zero emotion, as if there is no me !!! So that's that, Terminator X * enes, tomorrow we go to the registrar! I have to prove to herself that all the guys my will if I want !!!
Voooot ... So live for six years ... And on the balcony rocked my upstairs neighbor.