Pyura chilensis - «bleeding stone" from the seabed

Pyura (Pyura chilensis) - is an edible marine animal is a type of class ascidians (lat. ascidiacea), a distant relative of vertebrates. Pyura has a unique feature: their blood contains vanadium that they absorb from the marine ascidian such water.If Japan diluted underwater plantations are then collected and combusted ash yield, wherein the vanadium is contained in a concentration higher than some of the ore deposits .

These organisms inhabit the rocky shoreline areas that are flooded with seawater during high tide and dried at low tide. Large colonies are found off the coast of Chile and Peru. These animals have a hard shell that looks like natural stone struktura.

Breathes and eats an animal in a couple of so-called siphons. Using these traps, animal filtering sea water rich in organic matter. Pyura is chordates, that is, they have a rod bearing in the back (chord) from which the vertebrate subsequently develops pozvonochnik.

In the Chilean coast of Pyura much caught, but so far the effect of overfishing is not observed, probably because of their high rates of rosta.Myaso Pyura with a strong characteristic aroma of iodine, and the taste is really relevant metals vanadium, animals accumulate it by filtering sea vody.

The concentration of vanadium in the blood and P. chilensis its other membranes may be up to 10 million times more than the surrounding seawater. This food product with the largest content metalla.Mnogo diving hunt is an edible marine animals, but the Chilean water (Pacific) are fraught with many opasnostey.

From the gastronomic point of view, meat Pyura chilensis fragrant and very tasty, it is used as a raw and boiled. Usually, it is cut into small pieces, add the chopped onion, cilantro and lemon. A boiled, are part of many dishes, such as "rice with chopped Piure» .For cutting Pyura chilensis usually use a saw or ax.
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