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Marine nano-aquarium at home.

Good day!
I've moremanskoy subjects and did not see ... Fix.

This topic will tell you how step by step, without much crap run nano marine aquarium.
Let's begin our story ... The first thing we need - and this AquaPhone set of necessary equipment.
What good nano aquariums?
The fact that it is not necessary to particularly sophisticated equipment.

1. Aquarium.
2. Lamp.
3. Filter (must be powerful enough, an order of magnitude more powerful than freshwater).
4. Thermostat.
This is the minimum of equipment, without which it will take place an aquarium (hot country can do without hot water bottles).

Where in the sea without sand?
5. Sand.
6. Salt for salting of water.
7. Prepared water. Osmosis, distillate. In general, even without anything. Simply H2O.
8. Stones. Either living reef or dry. With the maturation of the living stone aquarium will go.
I used a dry stone. Equipment.

God bless the Poles.
Taking great kits for nano-moremanov.
Do not think for advertising, but a really great set!
All you need is included, though warmer had to buy more separately.

Dimensions - 250h250h300. AquaPhone Volume - 18 liters on the inner walls at the outer dimensions - 20 liters. In this volume and the size of the bottom of the sand should be about 3 kg. Evenly pour the sand:

Sol. Sea water is salty, it is an axiom.
Kitchen salt will not do.
I use Seachem Salinity. For one liter of distilled water, 33 grams of salt is necessary.
Season with salt per day, heating the water to 26 C, provide aeration and good circulation.
After salting the water can be poured in AquaPhone. I'm at the bottom of the box foam bowl that does not wash out the sand bv:

Fill the aquarium about half, put a stone at him.
I'm on borrowed time living stone in order to speed up the ripening process. The bacteria, bugs, plankton ...

Fill water up to the top. Part of the water in the filter.
About the filter need to talk separately.

The special marine aquarium filtration system, which consists mainly in biological filtration. All the mechanics either settles or eaten korallami.Poetomu filler filter for marine aquarium - stone. A small fraction of the LCD (living stone), Leo, at the prospect of IBS (dry reef stone). I mixed and then, and more.
Also welcome to use strictly metered doses sorbantov by type Matrix Carbon, Denitrate, and so on. The dosage must be strictly dosed, otherwise you can get a sterile AquaPhone, and do not need it ... Bacteria - the key to successful development of nano-ecosystem.

Also, to help me come Sonderkommando migrant workers. That wire check, the stones would be corrected.

Since I borrowed the stone, it was necessary to make his sculpture.
I pasted it from IBS epoksilina and superglue gel.


IBS is quite simply sawn hacksaw.

Why do I have used IBS?
For gluing it is necessary to time, the LCD might not survive-inflammatory stay on the air, living creatures bent. In svezhezapuschenoy bank to anything decomposition products.

Epoksilin - a good tool for quick gluing stones, non-toxic after solidification, but alas, the stone is attached only by mechanical factors. To avoid razvalivanie "sculptures", stone and epoksilin I greased a minor amount of torque-gel.

Furthermore, prepared in advance, and try on pieces should be pressed plump and left alone in the minutes 5. During this time epoksilin hardens, glue, too, sculpture acquire sufficient rigidity.

After gluing all the pieces can admire the result:

Also, places which are fixed epoksilinom I plastered a solution of sea sand and cement bologo. Over time, they are overgrown Corallina, and x can not be seen to be.

Suitable white cement brands 500 D-0! Without additives. The other - will constantly fight weeds.
According to the classification of a foreign suit Portland CEM-1.

Stone, after I dried cement putty in duhovke6 at 80 degrees for an hour. This speeds up the hardening of the cement and the remains of fresh water evaporates, some Mogdy stay in stone after washing. That in turn has accelerated soaking it with seawater.
Well, again, bravo Sonderkommando checks and approves the quality of hardening cement!

We put a stone in AquaPhone and nabludaem the process of maturation.
Theoretically, AquaPhone becomes fit for the next day, but I decided to wait a week, that would not burden the ecosystem of wildlife.
A week later, glass and stone are actively grows algae and plankton of different colors. Green - phytoplankton, rusty - zooplankton, lilac - cyanobacteria. It's all right. So it should be. We must not confuse the process. YA6 except that adds bacteria to start.

Gradually, fouling go, indicating normal operation, and establishing biobalance.
Once you think the water is already mature enough, you can podselyat first living creatures.
Conch - snail cleaner - should be in every marine aquarium. Very useful zhivotinka. Clean sand from plaque, loose sand, funny digs into it, leaving only the surface of the eye-periscopes.

Corals - is something for which zatevals the aquarium.
Corals - this animal with its own character, appetite, the system of defense and attack ...
From coral fresh AquaPhone perfectly suited zoantusy, briarium, klaulyariya, diskoaktinii.
All of them neagresivny, in relation to a neighbor, hardy enough, and there are a million species to suit every taste.
I started with all of them.


Colors - millions at a different light - different:



Something of the disks is likely rodaktis:

Also, a week after the start I was lucky to find a small colony eufilii, coral is not for beginners, but I already have an old aquarium, where I could have it to transplant, if it is bad it would be:

After two or three weeks of field run the aquarium becomes appearance:

A month after the launch:

Eighteen months:

Somewhere in that time I began to glance in the direction of the diode light.
Native bulbs were evicted, the aquarium became osveschatsya one star for three crystal white, blue, ultrasiny. Total capacity - 6 6 W.

Corals played unseen flowers, and I realized that the lights are going home to retire.


More zoantusy:



Early Member-briarium:

More zoantusy svezhepodselennymi with neighbors:

And another:

Another akantastreya, this time - red:



A general view of the banks and a half months after salting.

Water change - once a week, about 5 liters.
Feeding - three times a week. Motyl, phytoplankton, amino acids and vitamins. In general, the special feed.

Light - 14 hours. Filtering - around the clock.

That's all I wanted to say. Ask critics.
