Google Chrome in the Crimea all
The installation was not performed because of access restrictions in the country. Blockquote>.
Earlier, was already completely blocked service Google Play. Of course, if you want it all costs, using the same proxy / vpn, but the trend is clear.
The fate of the free services, in my opinion, is also questionable, the fundamental difference between the export of software and online service in the US does not.
By the way, in the Crimea Google's position was higher than that of Yandex, now the situation will change.
And Crimea will be transformed into soft-region corsairs.
P.S. Now worried and Firefox. Do I need to enter the Russian asymmetric sanctions against companies that perform blocking the Crimea?
No. This problem is local, risk and limit the ability of the majority of the population of Russia in terms of software it is not necessary to use diplomatic pressure Yes. Companies operating in Russia must comply with equal rights to any portion of it, according to the Russian domestic law. It is necessary to introduce restrictive measures, fines, revocation of licenses, etc. Hard to say Votes 2732 man. Excused 911 people. Only registered users can vote in polls. Sign , please.