Reliability nychki

University of Portsmouth in England conducted a study of the methods used by the robbers and plunderers, directly monitor their actions during the course of the study krazh.V staged six serial criminals and six people with no criminal record was asked to take part two testah.Issledovanie working methods experienced burglars showed that they usually choose a predictable way during a robbery homes, writes The Times. Scientists have found that offenders with experience were aimed at areas of high value, such as bedrooms, offices, living rooms, but were suspicious of the unusual rooms and, most importantly, rarely came into vannye.Issledovanie showed that the robbers had experienced more than two times as much time in the rooms of the first floor, which are generally considered to contain more expensive things. Serial robbers and the Cubs took a similar amount of goods, but the robbers production cost 1000 pounds more and includes designer handbags, wallets, cash, phones and leather jackets - most of these things newcomers proignorirovali.V general, if you want to fool the robbers and protect their most important value, hide them in the bathroom komnate.Vot few examples of excellent home caches: