Edible Christmas tree

can take a seedling to plant it, to care, to water and to obtain ever-beautiful Christmas tree. You can buy on the market a felled tree, decorate it and then throw it away. And you can do much more original - prepare Christmas tree with the children, and then eat it with pleasure. A lot of joy and delight in the process of the birth of Christmas trees, and during his disappearance. We offer an overview of the most delicious Christmas ёlok.10. Granola

With such a task handle any hostess. Need marshmallow, red and green candy M & Ms, butter, green food dye and dry zavtrak.9. Jelly

This is probably one of the simplest recipes. Suffice it to jelly and green molds as ёlki.8. Brownie

10 most delicious Christmas trees
This festive dessert rich chocolate taste. Besides looks incredibly naryadno.7. Cheeses

Options such Christmas trees can be myriad. Everything depends on the available cheeses and vegetables for ukrasheniya.6. Rolls

Simple and original way to bake a Christmas tree. Stuffing can choose any to your taste. Yes, and you can decorate in raznomu.5. Pizza

Those who do not can not live without the pizza, it can bake even on New Year's Eve, just as festive ёlki.4. Cookies

List of recipes for delicious cookies endless, you can choose any. Will only cut molds beautiful Christmas trees, bake and decorate to your vkus.3. Fruits

Perhaps the most delicious and simple version of the Christmas tree. Only berries and fruits, and looks potryasayusche.2. Cupcakes

Recipes for cupcakes myriad, but the main thing is the decoration of krema.1. Buns

Tree does not have to be sweet and bright. Ordinary bread rolls can also line up in the correct order. A stuffing, sauces - a matter of taste.