Martial quadrocopter, psychophysiology laboratory and training of the brain

Once again came to visit in the psychophysiology laboratory MSU , with almonds and quadrocopter i>
Since recently I began to systematically manage iddqd mini-quadrocopter , then I began to wonder what was going on with the activity of the brain in management of this toy semi simulator because subjective feelings of stress on the brain compared with the decision Olympiad problems (lung)
"To look into the brain" to me on the modern equipment, which diagnose / rehabilitation of employees of special services, emergency, dispatchers, etc., as well as conduct neyrotreningi and biofeedback sessions. So I decided to see what was going on with my brain during other daily activities.
Disclaimer This is not a study or experiment. This fan popular scientific demonstration of the possibilities of modern equipment. From these data it is not recommended to do conceptual conclusions, since the readings show only the activation of certain brain areas in a short period of time, for serious conclusions requires larger sample and a longer period of monitoring states
I measured the EEG.
The first stage - are measuring the "background". I was asked to droop towards stenochki. (What should I do? - Nothing, just stick) The second stage - are measuring what happens to the brain (and heart face) at the usual time - read Habr The third stage - are measuring physiological parameters while driving «combat drones» ( Byrobot drone fighter ):
a) a flight b) an easy task: to fly around the room as quickly as possible a) difficult task of landing on a limited area < g) measured after background tasks Bonus Stage i> - I play League of Legends
Under the cut brain ordinary person (who performs a "stick" to the wall), and the human brain reading Habr.

Tin foil hat with electrodes and pigtailed i>

In DARPA also wear these hats i>

«injection in the head." In fact, we reduce the resistance of the prisoner at the contact point with the help of a conductive gel i>

Whether Gagarin, whether Dobie. The sensor measures on the cheek oculogram (current in the muscles that move the eyes) i>

Preparation / calibration software i>

The calibration software, exhibiting sensitivity i>

Adjustment scale. Meanwhile heart already jumping in anticipation (ECG rolls) i>

The device itself «Энцефалан». ТТХ

- Why so much "dirt" in mind? - So there is in fact closed GitHub.
The first stage - are measuring "background» h4>
(Relaxed look forward, not moving, I try not to blink and do not chew eat at least 5 minutes) i>
Background is needed to determine the source (background) of the functional state of the subject. It is used as a "base line" as the point of the report with respect to which bydut register change i> state
Content screenshot: on the left - "raw" EEG recording. Middle - spectrogram, ie expansion in the AFC. Right - the mapping of activation (topography). It is important to note that from the picture to the picture varies the amplitude of the signal (in this screenshot from 2 to 5 microvolts), which is also an important parameter in addition to the spatial pattern (right) i>
Register initial background state during quiet wakefulness with eyes open.
We see that there is a range of activation poured alpha rhythm (7, 5 - 13, 5 Hz) and lower beta rhythm (13, 5 - 20 Hz), mainly along the center line in the frontal and occipital areas. As well as local activity in the occipital region in a high-frequency (beta rhythm) ranges.
The second stage - read Habr h4>
I read Habr (article Byrobot: quadrocopter to Chuck Norris and 6d-thinking ) i> < br />
Someone plyusanul, hurray! I>
Task - registration during the work with the site.
Reduced activity in the alpha range. Local activation in occipital-temporal region in a broad high frequency range. Note that the amplitude of 5.11 microvolts, which is 2 times higher than the background signals
So reading Habra ( «Millennium Challenges. Just about the complex» ) develops the brain, activates the kundalini beta rhythm and favorably affects the karma i>
The third stage - control drone h4>
Put your hands behind your back! Go to the mobile measurement mode i>
Easy h5>
Hold quadrocopter in the air, flying from side to side erratically i>
Normal h5> «Normal" was the same as "Hard", because he was very careful not to crash in expensive equipment.
To functional activation shifted to a higher frequency range. There is a slight locus activation at the level of the alpha rhythm, the high activation loci at occipito-temporal regions. The amplitude of 4.11 microvolts.
Hard h5>
Planting in a limited area. To plant the device exactly on a chair at a distance of 3 m i>
Activation shifted to the right occipital-temporal area. Alpha activity is significantly reduced.
Measure the background after the task h5>
(Relaxed look at one point, ie, "I stick») i>
Reduction of high-frequency activation of left-sided asymmetry. Alpha activity is expressed sufficiently to form two loci activate greater frontal area.
In the final background can be seen 2 locus activation at a frequency of alpha rhythm and a significant left-sided asymmetry at high frequencies. In fact the apparent activation in the final, which is reflected in the "work" on all bands, not just on the low, as in the original background.
Bonus Stage h4>
In the meantime, someone looking at the stars i>
And someone plays Legue of Legends i>
Severe high-frequency activation in the occipital region, which indicates the activity centers associated with the processing of visual information. I>
Sensorimotor test h4> Besides EEG readings I passed professional test pilots
More Habré: sensorimotor coordination (SMK). Professional research / trainer for pilots
Further research h4> A more serious approach, you can use some of the ECG parameters and oculomotor activity as a measure of functional status (fatigue / stress) pilot during piloting, before and after him. You can make assumptions about the "complicated" to the management, as well as to forecast fatigue.
Also the subject of research can become habit forming tracking control. To do this, you can compare the style of "newcomers" and "experienced", as well as to track brain activity during pilot training, to see how, when and what elements go into a zone of unconscious competence.
There is an idea to measure the state of the brain during the fight quadrocopter
Syringe for applying conductive gel i>
The following quote from an article with a blog neyromarketolga Boris Zubkov.
Two hours for the changes
We know about the incredible plasticity of the brain, but certainly not all. A recent study by researchers from Israel (Sagi et al., 2012) showed evidence of neuroplasticity speed.
Structural changes in the brain can be observed through the tens of minutes learning something new. Using diffusion tensor scanning (diffusion tensor imaging, DTI) MRI, researchers were able to see the changes in the hippocampus after two hours of video games. In experiments with rats it was found exactly what these changes are associated with the neurotrophic factor of the brain (brain derived neurotropic growth factor, BDNF), a protein that is responsible for supporting the growth and development of neurons. Probably, the people involved, the same mechanism.
What does this mean? You can change your brain just 2 hours, enough for noticeable or not noticeable at all, changes in behavior. Only two hours of dance, or a new computer game will turn you into some other person, in the literal sense. Well, of course, this again confirms that video games - a very good thing!
Sagi, Y., Tavor, I., Hofstetter, S., Tzur-Moryosef, S., Blumenfeld-Katzir, T., & Assaf, Y. (2012). Learning in the fast lane: New insights into neuroplasticity. Neuron, 73 (6), 1195-1203.
Images and graphics - from Sagi et al., 2012. Blockquote>
Conclusions h4> I do not know how to Habrachitateley, and for me 2015 will be the year for sure quadrocopter and neyroissledovany.
Give each other kvadrokopteryneyrointerfeysydollaryKrym karma.
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