Winter surfing on the island of Russian in Vladivostok
Mid-December, the water temperature - 0 ° C, air - -15 °, strong winds, snow - is not it perfect conditions for a good surfing? Wave waited a whole week, but she came not alone, but accompanied by wind and snowfall.
One of the participants - Ivan Marchenko - said that Vladivostok "winter" surfers suit is the third year. Vladivostok athletes a dozen people.
Winter surfer can perform the same tricks as in the summer. But to make it more difficult.
Generally Primor has to professional surfing. Every year in June on. Reynard competitions are held Reynike Cold Water Cup, this year they were both stage of the championship of Russia on surfing.
"Winter" waves are not particularly different from those who are in the summer - said another participant Mark Glubokovsky - boards also use "summer».
The main disadvantage of winter skiing - it's wetsuit. Because of its thickness - 6 mm - it constrains movement, spent extra effort to paddle faster you get tired ».
The exposed areas of the body surfers applied Vaseline or fat cream. Total water can hold about one and a half hours. You can ride around the coast of Primorye, it all depends on the direction of the wave.
You can only keep warm in the car
After a glass of hot tea can and again in the sea
One of the participants - Ivan Marchenko - said that Vladivostok "winter" surfers suit is the third year. Vladivostok athletes a dozen people.
Winter surfer can perform the same tricks as in the summer. But to make it more difficult.
Generally Primor has to professional surfing. Every year in June on. Reynard competitions are held Reynike Cold Water Cup, this year they were both stage of the championship of Russia on surfing.
"Winter" waves are not particularly different from those who are in the summer - said another participant Mark Glubokovsky - boards also use "summer».
The main disadvantage of winter skiing - it's wetsuit. Because of its thickness - 6 mm - it constrains movement, spent extra effort to paddle faster you get tired ».
The exposed areas of the body surfers applied Vaseline or fat cream. Total water can hold about one and a half hours. You can ride around the coast of Primorye, it all depends on the direction of the wave.
You can only keep warm in the car
After a glass of hot tea can and again in the sea