Review of "Rage"

So, yesterday I watched the film Fury (Fury) with Brad Pitt in the lead role.
I'll start with the fact that much. Of course the battle scenes. All bright, close, bullets and shells whistling and explode the way it should. Just qualitatively shows all the horrors of war. Everywhere dirt, blood, death. Well, of course, liked the actor's work, played efficiently.
And now that did not like, and what actually spoils the whole entire movie, despite its certain advantages.
Plot. Neither the stump pile such a plot. Well, judge for yourself. Sends a command tank on 4-point strategic crossroads. To cover relocation "dohrena cooks, mechanics and doctors", as well as covering the supply train, without which "the whole division p.i.z.d.ets." And do it with incomplete data exploration. You can in fact be seen from the air the whole SS battalion, which is undermined, marched with the song on the road (probably without the ecstasy tablets has not done). Well, they were alone, the will of fate on the road with her truck and the broken ice rink. Have been targeted. Heroism is a good thing. But here's the reality they would provoevali 5 minutes from power. How Come? Yes, because there is not Hitlerjugend, a division Schutzstaffel (SS). And armed they were fauspatrony. What that hurt to throw a smoke grenade to get closer to the tank and shmalnut of Faust? Or, for example, just work around it, without getting involved in the fight. It certainly looks fantosmagorichno how people H. Germans themselves are fleeing the bullets, and the Americans they do not have time to shoot. It is fortunate that the tankers were not fend off the Krauts spade handles. Then there would be an obvious rip-off, and Mr. Mikhalkov this does not forgive. And finally, another scene with an SS man who found under the tank gunner young, sorry and did not tell anyone. Well, like, do not worry that you Americans have killed a bunch of my ideological comrades. You're a kid, so young, we still kill. Fool with a brush. What kind of crap. Where the truth about the war? Let me remind you, this is the SS, not blue friend from Holland. He would have to think even he did not. At the level of instinct, would throw a grenade under the tank and went further. And why? Why this Heavy somewhere takes away the ambulance. His two nurse examined. No concussion. Arms legs intact. Arms and crew for retrofitting another tank.
I also want to draw your attention to the discipline of the crew. The scene in the city, where there was a conflict because of women. In the Soviet Army during the Second World War, such conflicts are easily resolved. With banal shot on the spot. For disobeying the commander. But to understand what they still can. Fought hell knows where the ocean, and it is unclear what, after all the states no projectile has not arrived. But to understand without taking such behavior. But the Soviet soldiers with motivation, everything was fine. That's why we won the war. And the Americans, thanks for the help.
In light of recent developments in the political arena. All the same, some Americans are hypocrites.
Overall, despite its shortcomings and mistakes, the movie I still like it. We would have at least one film shot with the same transmission of the atmosphere of war. Instead, we have the "Citadel" Mikhalkov and "Stalingrad" Bondarchuk.