About useless programs Battery Saver for Android

By taming Android I went for a long time, starting with the glorious products Siemens, through Nokia's Simbiane, Iphone and even WindowsPhone.
Siemens and Symbian I liked. After reading the reviews conscious Iphone I enjoyed them very carefully, and that allowed me to return to this useless brick during the period of replacement is 14 days and take his place "Vindafon»
Vindofon but I also did not catch on and was presented to a relative in a couple of months.
And come to Android 4.4.2

I deliberately do not mention specific phone models, to avoid comparisons Android with Android, Symbian with Simbianom, iphone with Kirpichёm etc.
We will focus only on applications to OS «Android», namely the "ekonomschikah battery." Thousands of them ...

Without further ado, I climb on the forums and groups of producers of my smartphone and its operating system, has received a recommendation in the form of Battery Doctor (Battery Saver), was glad that it was this program in the first place GoolePlay by injection, besides, free and install it yourself

Set and forget. As they say, life has become better, life has become merrier with knowledge of the fact that the Battery Doctor taking care of my battery.

The work of "Doctor" was unobtrusive and intuitive. When I turned off the wi-fi and / or transmission of data, he closed the program that uses the Internet after the call if the new call is not started, close the application "Phone", etc.
At the same time controlled by the CPU temperature, the work of other back-end applications, the state RAM.

Particularly pleased charging process, because Battery Doctor to control it, showing not only the remainder of the normal charge, but adding "trickle charging»

Of course the program periodically updated and that is what ultimately caused the removal Doctors and investigations in this direction programs

Once the doctor gave me a renewed and interesting ridiculously message in which it was said that most of the energy is consumed SUDDENLY itself Battery Doctor

Here and began my digging in the mechanisms of action of these programs.

After reading the description of a couple of dozen analogues "Doctor" I conditionally divided them into two categories:
- Informants - programs that have reported consumption of battery
- Optimizers - it's like "doctor" mercilessly killing unwanted applications to save energy

Found analogue doctor called «DU battery saving & widget»
And I liked it ... 15 minutes

DU also "kill" unnecessary at this point of the program. Here are just some time later he killed them again ... SAME

At first I copied it to the shortcomings DU, returned the "Doctor", checked and found out that he was doing exactly the same !!!
Let me explain what happened: A program unnecessary currently closed, but after some time automatically opens again ... Dr. shut it again, and so on
At the opening and closing of the program is spent more energy than maintaining it in the background, so instead get stressed optimize consumption
Analysis of the situation led me to one conclusion: the benefits of such programs are practically no.
DU removing and leaving the phone without any "ekonomschika" energy I got more time between charges.
Air conditioning system, or why earache in flight
To help the evacuees or "Everything should be legal!"