Born in the USSR

Similar turntable and TV were at my grandmothers. Parents were already more modern parents.

Tin soldiers were sometimes not tin - personally and repeatedly checked up payalinikom.

And the excavator had to collect himself. rodavalsya he completely dismantled in a gray cardboard box. He worked on the manual drive and they could deystvitelmyo dig something like sand.

Plasticine. Interestingly, one I tried it on taste or simply no one confesses?

Tales of the lamp to warm vinyl. The plates had to be carefully kept and very carefully put the needle cartridge on the player, not to spoil the track.

School diary on gray paper. It is worth a deuce for drawing that to me savagery - we in subjects not fundamentally put below fours.

I am proud that it was for this ABC book I was studying.

I do not remember for what class was chemistry textbook, but just remember the chemical formula and recipe of TNT in the fields.

I forgot how to use a slide rule, but I just knew how.

And such a chalkboard to me the story, I did not catch.

Prierno such as skiing, but with exactly the same fixtures were in my class to 5-6.

And to build these airplanes doterpel and I stopped going to the aircraft modeling circle.

Did not find the time. Wanted to buy the flag, not sold.

Christmas toys gave tube warmth like vinyl.

Guess which of these swords I had?))

Sex in the USSR was not, so the photograph topic boobs not disclosed

But this avtomobilchika I did not have, but very hotelos, and then I grew in size and no longer want.

I do not know how much money was prosazheno in such machines, but the fact was the place to be =)