Solving these problems 10 - you can become a billionaire
Wireless energy transfer.
Devices have become so small that the size of the battery has become a real problem. Reduce the size of the battery is endless, but this process has limits. Much better it would completely abandon the conventional batteries and switch to a wireless power transmission system. Currently, there are induction chargers that do not use wires, but these technologies are still in their infancy. Therefore, if the laurels of Nikola Tesla haunt rather study the subject and start to develop.
Internet everywhere.
No matter how tightly the Internet was not included in our lives, in the world there are many places where not even a phone, not to mention the stable access to the web. Currently, to solve this problem work such corporation like Google. The project is called Project Loon and is a development in the field of balloons equipped with routers, there was the Internet. Launched into the stratosphere balloons will create a system of access to the Internet worldwide. The project has prospects for cellular communication - such mobile access point be able to compete with the expensive satellite communication and provide assurance covering even the most remote corners of the globe.
Cheap solar energy.
One would think that solar energy is free - take it and enjoy it. But photovoltaic cells, which are the basis of solar panels are not cheap. Therefore, the entire world is now struggling hard to find stuff that will work the same way, but cost less. Reducing the cost of production of solar energy will be a real energy revolution, which can be good money.
Clean coal.
The conversion of carbon in the fuel - a task which handled millions of years of Earth's history, but can not decide scientists. Creating an artificial substitute for coal could be discovery of the century.
Cheap international payments.
There are many payment systems, offering payment services abroad with a minimum commission, but so far the scheme works only in conjunction with the banks, the transfer of funds abroad will cost money. To solve the problem could decentralized system, free of bank charges, such as Bitcoin, but it is unfortunately not earned the trust of many states.
Miraculous pill for weight loss - the dream of hundreds of thousands of people around the world and has not been invented, in spite of the fact that this stated countless times. Means for hypermetabolism never found, although scientists are working on it more than a year.
Cheap desalination.
Water shortages are still tops the list of world's most pressing problems. Desalination plants for seawater build around the world, but this water is expensive. Price reduction - the main way in which engineering thought has to go into this field. Working together with solar energy, desalination technology can solve many problems of the future, and inventors - incredibly enriching.
Weather forecast.
Synoptic system still has a lot to do with extrasensory, despite the abundance of devices and scientists heads. Accurate forecasts for two months in advance - this is still a fantasy that can become a reality, subject to availability of new technologies.
Uncrackable passwords.
With intent and the presence of certain programs, you can crack any password. Its complexity can affect except for the time that it will be spent. Therefore, the programmer did struggle with the challenge of turning smartphones and laptops to digital fortress, which is impossible to crack.
Conquer death.
Let it sounds fantastic, but the victory over death - that great goal that looms ahead of hundreds of scientists. How to make sure that the time has ceased to be inexorable to the human body - a task worthy of human dignity, defying his own nature.
Devices have become so small that the size of the battery has become a real problem. Reduce the size of the battery is endless, but this process has limits. Much better it would completely abandon the conventional batteries and switch to a wireless power transmission system. Currently, there are induction chargers that do not use wires, but these technologies are still in their infancy. Therefore, if the laurels of Nikola Tesla haunt rather study the subject and start to develop.
Internet everywhere.
No matter how tightly the Internet was not included in our lives, in the world there are many places where not even a phone, not to mention the stable access to the web. Currently, to solve this problem work such corporation like Google. The project is called Project Loon and is a development in the field of balloons equipped with routers, there was the Internet. Launched into the stratosphere balloons will create a system of access to the Internet worldwide. The project has prospects for cellular communication - such mobile access point be able to compete with the expensive satellite communication and provide assurance covering even the most remote corners of the globe.
Cheap solar energy.
One would think that solar energy is free - take it and enjoy it. But photovoltaic cells, which are the basis of solar panels are not cheap. Therefore, the entire world is now struggling hard to find stuff that will work the same way, but cost less. Reducing the cost of production of solar energy will be a real energy revolution, which can be good money.
Clean coal.
The conversion of carbon in the fuel - a task which handled millions of years of Earth's history, but can not decide scientists. Creating an artificial substitute for coal could be discovery of the century.
Cheap international payments.
There are many payment systems, offering payment services abroad with a minimum commission, but so far the scheme works only in conjunction with the banks, the transfer of funds abroad will cost money. To solve the problem could decentralized system, free of bank charges, such as Bitcoin, but it is unfortunately not earned the trust of many states.
Miraculous pill for weight loss - the dream of hundreds of thousands of people around the world and has not been invented, in spite of the fact that this stated countless times. Means for hypermetabolism never found, although scientists are working on it more than a year.
Cheap desalination.
Water shortages are still tops the list of world's most pressing problems. Desalination plants for seawater build around the world, but this water is expensive. Price reduction - the main way in which engineering thought has to go into this field. Working together with solar energy, desalination technology can solve many problems of the future, and inventors - incredibly enriching.
Weather forecast.
Synoptic system still has a lot to do with extrasensory, despite the abundance of devices and scientists heads. Accurate forecasts for two months in advance - this is still a fantasy that can become a reality, subject to availability of new technologies.
Uncrackable passwords.
With intent and the presence of certain programs, you can crack any password. Its complexity can affect except for the time that it will be spent. Therefore, the programmer did struggle with the challenge of turning smartphones and laptops to digital fortress, which is impossible to crack.
Conquer death.
Let it sounds fantastic, but the victory over death - that great goal that looms ahead of hundreds of scientists. How to make sure that the time has ceased to be inexorable to the human body - a task worthy of human dignity, defying his own nature.