Youtube deleted the sound recording 7-hour conference because of the music that sounded a break
It's no secret that YouTube videos are downloaded checks for possible copyright infringement Audio dubbing recording. Normal video, which shows, for example, build a blowtorch with some music, can be removed from service, as the music is copyrighted.
It is clear that manually check all the videos, no one will, everything works automatically. But algorithms checks are sometimes interesting results. For example, a couple of years ago, a user YouTube could not put the video shooting wildlife to the service. Algorithms service recognized bird trills as copyrighted material, and in the video required to put a link to the website owner's rights to the sound. Even the appeal did not get anywhere.
Now became aware of not less interesting case a >. The scientists who conducted the 7-hour scientific conference on climate change were a live broadcast of the conference. The video also was recorded and posted on the Web.
This comic picture shows the same "pirate", a cool music i>
Scientists were very surprised when watching the video on YouTube, no one heard a sound. Yes, the whole Audio dubbing was deleted by moderators. It turned out that during lunch engineer twisted some music, the rights to which belong to the record company. The result - the sound was completely shut down.
In principle, the organizers of the conference were lucky that they were not sued. For example, with Gangnam Style parody video in the required 42 thousand US dollars (the plaintiff - Universal Music). Well, the other office, Warner Bros., demanded 60 thousand US dollars to the provincial bar for sounding indoor record, .
Rights holders are not asleep,% username%.
UW lab and Starlab independently succeeded in transmitting data through the interface "brain-brain"
"Fila" can come to life in March 2015