Brazilian mother has given birth to triplets albino
Ebony albino I've seen more than once. Africa is full of them, and the local are doing yourself amulets and cook food. Horror, and only. But the Brazilians to the lack of melanin found in my memory for the first time.
The probability of occurrence in the family albino is low enough, but Rozamere Brazilian Fernanda de Andrade from Recife managed to give birth to three. All because she had, and her husband's blood was found responsible for the deviation of the gene. They now have a black and white family: three children and three swarthy - completely white. Looks wildly.
The probability of occurrence in the family albino is low enough, but Rozamere Brazilian Fernanda de Andrade from Recife managed to give birth to three. All because she had, and her husband's blood was found responsible for the deviation of the gene. They now have a black and white family: three children and three swarthy - completely white. Looks wildly.