14 days on the Kola Peninsula

Long time to get !!! 2 aircraft one train 4 hours mashine.URA !!! They arrived

Work has begun to collect catamaran

Everything is ready alloy began

First caviar on the table and immediately

The first threshold

Were something like

On the shore was seen a large concentration of blueberries and we had to eat it

Cooking sushi

These are the land turned

Bon Appetit))

Health drink cranberry fruit drink + Medical

Sticks for sushi

Easy zavtrok

Local birdies very much enjoyed our Tomsk fat

Oh, and not an easy thing to fry kotletosy ogne.No worth it

On one we parked and we got oil lamp soot

In September, the water level was a small catamaran and drag on itself had often

We were told that this route has a waterfall

And we went to look for him

2:00 wanderings in the forest with the navigator and we found it

Source: ucrazy.ru