Spewing flames
In the framework of the 50th anniversary of the Franco-Chinese diplomatic relations, the French company La Machine, in Beijing for three days showed a unique 50-meter dragon-horse Ma Long.
Besides the dragon, the event involved a giant robot spider La Princesse. Fire-breathing dragon weighing 46 tons, "walking" cult sports facility near the "Bird's Nest", which hosted the Summer Olympics in Beijing. As for the mechanical spider, its height is about 5 to 7 meters, and the width of the order of six meters. Spider sprayed around him only water and steam, while the dragon-horse in the evening scaring spectators and powerful pillars of fire.

Besides the dragon, the event involved a giant robot spider La Princesse. Fire-breathing dragon weighing 46 tons, "walking" cult sports facility near the "Bird's Nest", which hosted the Summer Olympics in Beijing. As for the mechanical spider, its height is about 5 to 7 meters, and the width of the order of six meters. Spider sprayed around him only water and steam, while the dragon-horse in the evening scaring spectators and powerful pillars of fire.