ISS create a fiery jellyfish
Flame has always attracted the attention of the person - as when our ancestors were still basking in the fires in caves, and now, when we are warming ourselves by the fire, sitting in a comfortable chair (well, or at a fire in a forest in the campaign).
The other day, the astronauts on the ISS conducted a series of interesting experiments with fire, which led to the creation of meduzopodobnogo education, which was very similar to a living organism.
In general, the present experiment was not the first, before the astronauts performed literally playing with fire on the ISS, and several times the flame behaved as a living organism, heading in the direction of the maximum concentration of oxygen. After these experiments, biologists even had to write that the flame in any case is not a living organism, just very similar.
The thing is that the flame in low gravity or its absence is divided into separate pockets, all enveloped dim fiery sphere. Looks quite impressive. To make the experiment more interesting, astronaut Reid Wiseman used the original system.
The system uses two needles, by which mixed heptane, and isooctane. Then it all burned, after which the area of fire broke up into several separate foci surrounded by a blue halo. Inside the system began to form additional sources of flame - smoldering soot at temperatures up to 2000 degrees Celsius.
A whole system started to move in one direction, while in one of the "poles" a gap, which then became like a jellyfish umbrella edge. In general, it is better to look than trying to imagine:
Generally speaking, all the wires are not for beauty, but for a better understanding of possible pathways of fire on the ISS, and thinking through ways of extinguishing the fire. Nevertheless, this is probably one of the most spectacular of fire experiments in the history of firefighting.
Via nasa
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/236657/
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