Methods of education cat

Stick brat on the collar piece of tape. Get obedient, educated and flattened to the ground the cat for a desired period. Enjoy the sweet revenge.
Cover about anything unsuspecting cat top box suitable size and let pobudet five or ten minutes a bug. He is helpful, pleasant for you.
Record the hungry or the angry meowing your pet and occasionally include recording at full volume. In response to his ofigevshy opinion, shrugging. Like, do not know. No one here.
Pour into a shallow bath of water, throw a two or three bags of valerian, call the cat and enjoy it discouraged person. Valeryanochki lick want, but you need to dive into the water. Not every cat is capable of such a feat
Quickly shove yawn, relaxed cat finger in his mouth. You will be a bit painful, but it's worth it.
Bring high box, put it on the side, and when someone will take back and settle in, put the box on end. Ten minutes gloating you provided.
While the cat is sleeping, set next to him good-sized mirror. Then wake the cat terrible ryavkanem and enjoy the effect. Take video. Upload to youtube.
Purchase a duvet cover with a zipper. Slowly and carefully perestilat bed, and when the cat climb a duvet cover to habitually lie inside, lock him up there, leaving no holes or slits. Rejoice.
To stuff a cat in a bag, hang bag on the doorknob, note the time and thus raise domestic Houdini. By the way, you can show this trick guests.
To zatrollit cat you can:
Loud poshurshat bag of chips to any unsuspecting cat decided that he now perepadet feed, jumped up and ran to the kitchen. And there is a bummer, sir. A similar effect of any jars, reminiscent of his beloved Kitty canned.
Take a sock (can be stale) and pull on the cat. Cat to wear cute, harmless and funny shakes his head. Cruel? Is not it cruel to sit in wet ass crumbs filler sleeping owner's face?