Candidates for election - to choose the lesser of two evils
Gerasimos (Mumu)
Dr. Pavlov
13 Rules of Life Sergei Mavrodi
The curious effect of "less - better" makes you choose a smaller value
5 famous quantum experiments
10 highly trusted ways to ruin your life with your own hands
Off the ship of fools: what is the "reasonable man" in the twenty-first century
What is life choices
Sweden introduces a six-hour working day with full pay
Non-obvious disadvantages of kindergarten
A day in the life of the Moscow hipster (64 photos)
South-North Water Transfer Project
13 Rules of Life Sergei Mavrodi
The curious effect of "less - better" makes you choose a smaller value
5 famous quantum experiments
10 highly trusted ways to ruin your life with your own hands
Off the ship of fools: what is the "reasonable man" in the twenty-first century
What is life choices
Sweden introduces a six-hour working day with full pay
Non-obvious disadvantages of kindergarten
A day in the life of the Moscow hipster (64 photos)
South-North Water Transfer Project
Fidelity to one's word
Almost cosmic catastrophes occurred, part 2