Laboratory CERN 60 years old
Yesterday, 29 September 2014, the 60th anniversary of the largest laboratory in the world of High Energy Physics - European Organization for Nuclear iscledovaniyam , better known as CERN or CERN (from fr. Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire). In this laboratory, have made many important discoveries, including the confirmation of the existence of the Higgs boson in 2012, the Large Hadron Collider. But we love it for CERN is not (or rather, not only for this). In 1989-1991, Laboratory CERN, Tim Berners-Lee, along with his colleague Robert Cailliau created the world's first web server, the browser and the website and published specification HTTP, URI and HTML. And on April 30 at CERN announced that the World Wide Web technology will be transferred to the public domain.
The concept of the World Wide Web hypertext was proposed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 while working on the CERN internal network. In the next few years, he pursued it to the practical implementation and formalized in the form of specifications of the underlying protocols and standards. Although pro cobwebs Berners-Lee can not say that she was ahead of his time - she won the world just a few years, and its author was awarded for his invention knighted and still leads the consortium W3C - some of the ideas contained in it, still not widespread. Thus, the original Web assumed a much more open for editing - edit HTML documents can be directly in the browser - in the first years of the mass popularity of the web, this possibility was almost forgotten, and most people only become passive consumers of content. Only with the advent of open editing Wikipedia practice became more or less mass.
Another idea Berners-Lee: all parts of the web should work in a decentralized and non-hierarchical. The decentralization process is still far from complete, and many of the subsystem of the Web is still highly centralized. Many states, realizing the power of the network, actively seek to take it under control, and large corporations, contrary to the principles of openness, trying to close the commercial users in closed ecosystems, fragmenting the network. On the day of the official 25th anniversary of the web 12 March 2014 Sir Tim Berners-Lee published appeal to the Internet community , calling for the protection of freedom and the openness of the Internet.
Web - the most significant, but not the only fruit of the work of CERN in computer technology. Laboratory maintains one of the two points IXP in Switzerland. Together with the Fermilab CERN researcher develops a distribution Linux - Scientific Linux. This spring, several laboratory staff created postal service ProtonMail , pretending to be one of the most protected in the world.
Happy birthday, CERN!
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/238697/
The concept of the World Wide Web hypertext was proposed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 while working on the CERN internal network. In the next few years, he pursued it to the practical implementation and formalized in the form of specifications of the underlying protocols and standards. Although pro cobwebs Berners-Lee can not say that she was ahead of his time - she won the world just a few years, and its author was awarded for his invention knighted and still leads the consortium W3C - some of the ideas contained in it, still not widespread. Thus, the original Web assumed a much more open for editing - edit HTML documents can be directly in the browser - in the first years of the mass popularity of the web, this possibility was almost forgotten, and most people only become passive consumers of content. Only with the advent of open editing Wikipedia practice became more or less mass.
Another idea Berners-Lee: all parts of the web should work in a decentralized and non-hierarchical. The decentralization process is still far from complete, and many of the subsystem of the Web is still highly centralized. Many states, realizing the power of the network, actively seek to take it under control, and large corporations, contrary to the principles of openness, trying to close the commercial users in closed ecosystems, fragmenting the network. On the day of the official 25th anniversary of the web 12 March 2014 Sir Tim Berners-Lee published appeal to the Internet community , calling for the protection of freedom and the openness of the Internet.
Web - the most significant, but not the only fruit of the work of CERN in computer technology. Laboratory maintains one of the two points IXP in Switzerland. Together with the Fermilab CERN researcher develops a distribution Linux - Scientific Linux. This spring, several laboratory staff created postal service ProtonMail , pretending to be one of the most protected in the world.
Happy birthday, CERN!
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/238697/
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