Scientists at CERN are preparing "force field" to protect astronauts from radiation

Cables of magnesium diboride at CERN i>
Scientists at CERN , the European Organization for Nuclear Research, are working on superconducting magnets on the basis of which it will be possible to make a magnetic shield to protect astronauts from the high-energy particles. The project is called the European Space Radiation Superconducting Shield ( SR2S , the European Space superconducting radiation protection). This told the researchers from CERN on August 5 пресс-релизе.
Space - the place uncomfortable. Among other obvious problems, the astronauts faced the devastating impact of cosmic rays - high-energy particles, which fill the universe. On the blue ball of the Earth, we are reliably covered by the strong magnetic field of our planet. The same principle, scientists want to use to protect the long-term space missions - such as a manned flight to Mars.
The danger of cosmic radiation can not be doubted. experiments on mice , bombarded by high-energy particles, found a violation of the structure of the brain: the reduction in the number dendrites (neuronal processes). It is associated with Alzheimer's disease, and it leads to a deterioration of brain function, particularly memory. Furthermore, it is believed that genetic errors introduced due to the impact of such particles during cell division, can significantly increase the risk of cancer.
To create a sufficiently strong magnetic field, which is to wrap up the spacecraft, scientists have диборид magnesium (MgB 2 sub>) - the same conductive material, which is used in Large Hadron Collider a >.
In April 2014, scientists at CERN объявили about getting current record levels - at 24K two twenty meters of cable length magnesium diboride was passed a current of 20kA.
"The project we are going to test a few months a coil of superconducting tape wrapped magnesium diboride - says Bernardo Bordin, coordinator of CERN on the project SR2S. - This coil is specifically designed to determine the effectiveness of the magnetic protection on the basis of superconductivity ».
Undoubtedly, the creation of full protection is required to solve many technical issues. It helps scientists that magnesium diboride - very well-tested material, which, moreover, has a superconductivity at temperatures up to 25K, which will create a spaceship simplified cooling system.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/259920/