Large Hadron Collider - what and how (30 photos)

Maximilien Brice, Claudia Marcelloni CERN
View the processing center at installation server.

Maximilien Brice CERN
For being built at CERN Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS)
Hadron calorimeter designed end, as active
elements which uses scintillators with reradiating

Maximilien Brice, Claudia Marcelloni CERN
It was built for the Exhibition of Economic Achievements of Switzerland - Expo'02.

Roy Langstaff CERN
Big kalorimentr Project ATLAS.

Maximilien Brice CERN
Workers monitor the process of calibration magnets. Each magnet is positioned automation for compliance with superhuman precision robots.

Maximilien Brice CERN
Tracking system ALICE, Collider charged ions. Will capture the proton-proton collisions at the Coliseum heavy atoms, such as lead. That it will look in the first seconds of the Big Bada Boom.

Maximilien Brice CERN
Inside one of the main detectors - Compact Muon Solenoid.

Maximilien Brice CERN
Electromagnetic calorimeter. Large 6x7 square meters comprising 3,300 units scintillators, fiber and lead. Is designed to measure the energy of particles at proton Coliseum. Photons, electrons and positrons will pass through the material and energy to keep track of.

Maximilien Brice CERN
Minimum pipe - tracking unit.

Maximilien Brice CERN
Ambulance at the Large Hadron Collider.

View of the tunnel.

Maximilien Brice CERN
Insert the tracker to the solenoid.

Maximilien Brice CERN
Completed construction of the solenoid.

Claudia Marcelloni CERN
View from the platform ATLAS, which shows how falls "wheel" in the tunnel.

Claudia Marcelloni CERN
Installation of small muon "wheels" in a cave tunnel.

Claudia Marcelloni CERN
It looked like the ATLAS detector in 2007.

Maximilien Brice CERN
Welding between two superconducting magnets.

Maximilien Brice CERN
Muon Solenoid looked like in 2007.

Claudia Marcelloni CERN
Transportation ATLAS toroid for the project.

Maximilien Brice, Claudia Marcelloni CERN
ATLAS project. Before you were mounted muon "wheels».









Professional retouching Beefactory
In Kaliningrad, on the building of the FSB hoisted the flag of Germany