Odon Collider: opinion is divided (5 photos)
Running the LHC - it's probably the most important news of recent times. Who is afraid of this, referring to the fact that the possible end of the world, someone on the contrary wants to launch occurred as soon as possible. So let's all the same to see what it is and for the LHC is dangerous if it is for the existence of the planet Earth.
The Large Hadron Collider (LCH) - world's most powerful particle accelerator. It located at the European Center for Nuclear Research, at a depth of 100 meters under the ground. It designed to accelerate protons and heavy ions.
The main purpose of the Large Hadron Collider is to study the smallest particles - the fundamental building blocks.
Two beams of subatomic particles (Andronov) will move towards each other, picking up with each round more and more energy. Thus for particle retention and correction superconducting magnet used in 1624 that operate at a temperature of -271 ° C. When the power is enough, the particles collide thereby scientists create model of the Big Bang. It appeared after the explosion particles will be analyzed by scientists from around the world.
Fears of people:
Some scholars are inclined to think that the Large Hadron Collider could be dangerous, and it can not be run. So two little-known scientists Walter Wagner and Luis Sancho sued the European Organization for Nuclear Research. The lawsuit asked them to ban the launch of the collider since in their view, it is dangerous and can lead to the formation of a black hole that will engulf the earth.
According to Russian scientists, the collider is absolutely safe and does not pose a threat to humanity, and the emergence of so-called black holes almost impossible. Even if a black hole is formed, it will be very small and will last less than a second
According to Russian scientists, the collider is absolutely safe and does not pose a threat to humanity, and the emergence of so-called black holes almost impossible. Even if a black hole is formed, it will be very small and will last less than a second

The Large Hadron Collider (LCH) - world's most powerful particle accelerator. It located at the European Center for Nuclear Research, at a depth of 100 meters under the ground. It designed to accelerate protons and heavy ions.
The main purpose of the Large Hadron Collider is to study the smallest particles - the fundamental building blocks.

Two beams of subatomic particles (Andronov) will move towards each other, picking up with each round more and more energy. Thus for particle retention and correction superconducting magnet used in 1624 that operate at a temperature of -271 ° C. When the power is enough, the particles collide thereby scientists create model of the Big Bang. It appeared after the explosion particles will be analyzed by scientists from around the world.

Fears of people:
Some scholars are inclined to think that the Large Hadron Collider could be dangerous, and it can not be run. So two little-known scientists Walter Wagner and Luis Sancho sued the European Organization for Nuclear Research. The lawsuit asked them to ban the launch of the collider since in their view, it is dangerous and can lead to the formation of a black hole that will engulf the earth.

According to Russian scientists, the collider is absolutely safe and does not pose a threat to humanity, and the emergence of so-called black holes almost impossible. Even if a black hole is formed, it will be very small and will last less than a second

According to Russian scientists, the collider is absolutely safe and does not pose a threat to humanity, and the emergence of so-called black holes almost impossible. Even if a black hole is formed, it will be very small and will last less than a second