So where is the biggest Hadron Collider (19 photos)
The current Hadron Collider still also remains the European collider, but the United States is abandoned Collider project, which exceeds the European scale at least twice.
In the mid-1980s, the United States wanted to build the largest collider in the world. The project even got the name of the Superconducting Super Collider (SSC). The idea was born in 1983. By 1987, Congress approved the project budget of $ 4, 4 billion. Dollars, and by 1991 was chosen in Texas and began construction.
But by 1993, forecast for the cost of the project had risen to more than 12 billion. With limited financial resources, the US government was forced to choose between financing of the International Space Station (ISS) and super collider. Congress, as you know, has approved the financing of the ISS and 21 October 1993, the SSC project was closed.
When the project was canceled, it has been built 14 kilometers of tunnels and 17 technical mines and has finished all the infrastructure on the ground. Total spent by the time the 2 billion.
Numerous attempts to sell the property did not bear fruit until 2006, when a private investment group, has acquired all the property. It was rumored that she had plans to use the SSC, as a large data center, but it was just a rumor. All equipment for the collider was removed except for some underground generators. Until now empty Collider
If it was built, it easily surpassed by the power generated by the collider in Switzerland. European can generate "only" 14 TeV (trillion electric volts), but the US had planned a 40 TeV.
So why build failed? Experts say that the main reason for rise in price of construction is connected with underground works. It took them more than $ 7 billion. Additional investment. But the European collider had partially underground network of tunnels, which reduced the costs of building the collider in Europe.
Now the US is the largest collider in Illinois. His return "only" 1 TeV, but I want to disappoint you, as it was closed in October 2011 due to insufficient funding. And now, the largest collider is located in New York City at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). But compared with even Illinnoyskim, it's just a toy.
Source: muz4in.net

In the mid-1980s, the United States wanted to build the largest collider in the world. The project even got the name of the Superconducting Super Collider (SSC). The idea was born in 1983. By 1987, Congress approved the project budget of $ 4, 4 billion. Dollars, and by 1991 was chosen in Texas and began construction.

But by 1993, forecast for the cost of the project had risen to more than 12 billion. With limited financial resources, the US government was forced to choose between financing of the International Space Station (ISS) and super collider. Congress, as you know, has approved the financing of the ISS and 21 October 1993, the SSC project was closed.

When the project was canceled, it has been built 14 kilometers of tunnels and 17 technical mines and has finished all the infrastructure on the ground. Total spent by the time the 2 billion.

Numerous attempts to sell the property did not bear fruit until 2006, when a private investment group, has acquired all the property. It was rumored that she had plans to use the SSC, as a large data center, but it was just a rumor. All equipment for the collider was removed except for some underground generators. Until now empty Collider

If it was built, it easily surpassed by the power generated by the collider in Switzerland. European can generate "only" 14 TeV (trillion electric volts), but the US had planned a 40 TeV.

So why build failed? Experts say that the main reason for rise in price of construction is connected with underground works. It took them more than $ 7 billion. Additional investment. But the European collider had partially underground network of tunnels, which reduced the costs of building the collider in Europe.

Now the US is the largest collider in Illinois. His return "only" 1 TeV, but I want to disappoint you, as it was closed in October 2011 due to insufficient funding. And now, the largest collider is located in New York City at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). But compared with even Illinnoyskim, it's just a toy.
Source: muz4in.net