Hadron Collider
Everyone has heard about the Large Hadron Collider in Europe. But few people know that this was planned and we have. Collider Soviet scientists began to build in the 20 years before that in a small town near Moscow.
Everywhere desolation and ruin. The gates are broken, and, judging by the footsteps of trucks, all removed, taken out and stolen ...
Circle - this is the Collider. A marker - it noticed me trunks inputs in the collider. Multi-storey buildings at the bottom - it Protvino, Serpukhov district MO.
Dimensions can be compared with the Moscow metro. Although the length of tunnels, of course, smaller.
In the early 80-ies of the last century, we have this word "collider" is not known, and the city was just a village of Protvino, Serpukhov District, Moscow region. At the same time, at the level of the CPSU Central Committee, it was decided on the basis of the construction of the Serpukhov (later Protvino) synchrotron, to enhance scientific and technical base located there is the Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP).
By 1993, it was almost completed underground work for the first phase of the launch Uskoritelno storage complex (UNK). A total covered about 50 kilometers of mining of different diameter, built about 30 shafts, underground workings in ready begun installation of communications equipment and UNK. At the same time the surface was thoroughly equipped with more than 20 industrial sites with high-rise industrial buildings, which were laid tracks water, heating, compressed air, high voltage power lines, began to arrive previously ordered production of the unique equipments ...
Whereas democratic reforms taking place in the Soviet Union certainly played a positive role in the construction of the ESC. The destruction of the "Iron Curtain" has made it possible to buy abroad a modern mining - excavating equipment, and our specialists trained to work there on it. During the construction of trunks applied technology used in the construction of shafts for rockets that used to be completely confidential. But the subsequent collapse of the Soviet Union began, and then Russia's transition to a market economy "finished" building UNK. To finance the construction was simply no one. At the time of global change science it was not until ...
Currently, almost all ground facilities are destroyed, funding only for the maintenance and protection of underground workings - their destruction can lead to environmental disaster.

Everywhere desolation and ruin. The gates are broken, and, judging by the footsteps of trucks, all removed, taken out and stolen ...

Circle - this is the Collider. A marker - it noticed me trunks inputs in the collider. Multi-storey buildings at the bottom - it Protvino, Serpukhov district MO.

Dimensions can be compared with the Moscow metro. Although the length of tunnels, of course, smaller.

In the early 80-ies of the last century, we have this word "collider" is not known, and the city was just a village of Protvino, Serpukhov District, Moscow region. At the same time, at the level of the CPSU Central Committee, it was decided on the basis of the construction of the Serpukhov (later Protvino) synchrotron, to enhance scientific and technical base located there is the Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP).
By 1993, it was almost completed underground work for the first phase of the launch Uskoritelno storage complex (UNK). A total covered about 50 kilometers of mining of different diameter, built about 30 shafts, underground workings in ready begun installation of communications equipment and UNK. At the same time the surface was thoroughly equipped with more than 20 industrial sites with high-rise industrial buildings, which were laid tracks water, heating, compressed air, high voltage power lines, began to arrive previously ordered production of the unique equipments ...
Whereas democratic reforms taking place in the Soviet Union certainly played a positive role in the construction of the ESC. The destruction of the "Iron Curtain" has made it possible to buy abroad a modern mining - excavating equipment, and our specialists trained to work there on it. During the construction of trunks applied technology used in the construction of shafts for rockets that used to be completely confidential. But the subsequent collapse of the Soviet Union began, and then Russia's transition to a market economy "finished" building UNK. To finance the construction was simply no one. At the time of global change science it was not until ...
Currently, almost all ground facilities are destroyed, funding only for the maintenance and protection of underground workings - their destruction can lead to environmental disaster.