Feel the old: the first site in the world celebrated 25 years

Now all over the world celebrate Christmas, then, in just a week and a half coming New Year. But do not forget about another festival, or rather, an event that influenced the development of our civilization. This is the first website in the world, which appeared December 20, 1990. The founder of it is the Tim Berners-Lee , which is simultaneously published on the site description of the new technology of World Wide Web. Among other information, the author of the site talked about the principles of installation and operation of servers and browsers.
With the advent of other online resources, Tim Berners-Lee began posting on its website links to them. The idea of creation of hypertext came from Tim Berners-Lee, long before the creation of the first site. Thus, in the 80th year it was created hypertext software Enquire, which is used to store data random association. Even while working at the European Center for Nuclear Research in Geneva (CERN), he proposed to publish hypertext documents, which for convenience are linked by hyperlinks. And in May 1991 CERN approved standard WWW.
Initially, the first site looked a little strange (for the modern user). But at that time it was a real breakthrough - because information can be accessed from anywhere in the world, and everything was connected to everything. What were the sites of companies at the time of launch? On Geektimes have somehow published this information . But just in case we repeat below.
By the way, Berners-Lee is not resting on its laurels, and controls the World Wide Web Consortium, the organization which he helped create. He opposes government censorship and attempts to telecommunications companies oppose the principles of network neutrality. As for CERN, the research organization are now more involved in networks. But for the most part, CERN experts perform research directly related to the microworld.
As for the web, it still continues to grow. And documents posted here, the user can view both your phone and other devices, even including smart refrigerators. But the principles of the operation of the first site, have remained unchanged.
Here are the promised sites known companies, so they looked at the time of launch and now.