Tim Cook named one of the following purposes Apple monitor the user's health

In honor of the decade, the popular TV show «Mad Money» on the US television channel CNBC, Apple CEO Tim Cook spoke for nearly an hour on the phone with Jim Cramer host of the show. During transmission Cook shared his thoughts on ReserchKit, competitors and future products Apple, According to macrumors.com . On the question of how Apple CEO sees "the next frontier" for devices, Tim Cook stressed the importance of monitoring human health, along with intelligent buildings and unmanned vehicles. According to Cook, devices such as Apple Watch and services as ResearchKit and «Health app» are very important, as they allow people to monitor their state of health and physical fitness, and the size of the fitness market in the opinion of CEO Apple seriously underestimated.
Tim Cook talked about the company's new product - ResearchKit, announced in last Monday that "completely changes the rules of the game».
ResearchKit - a structure with a fully open source code to facilitate the development of applications based on it. On the day of the release along with it introduced several applications. Already on Wednesday, two days after the announcement, the development team from Stanford University reported that one of the applications is for 11 000 registered users.
During the meeting, Kramer asked if we an example Apple Watch to see in my lifetime the device works in conjunction with HealthKit and capable of controlling such vital parameters such as blood pressure, blood sugar and diagnose cancer. Tim Cook said: "I am absolutely confident that we will see."
On the question of the leader of what Apple represented Cook thinks the competition in this segment, and not whether he thinks that the other players have been left far behind, Tim said that the company always refers to competitors with "paranoid." Only it allows Apple to produce the highest quality products.
"We always think as a paranoid. We live paranoia. We always want to make the product of the highest quality and therefore we always strive to defeat the rival that we did, because otherwise we flood. We constantly go over the edge. "- Said Tim.
Cook often refers to Steve Jobs and underlines that his spirit is still "lives in us", although many of the successful Apple products have been created under the leadership of Tim Cook after the death of Steve Jobs. Interview CEO Apple finished congratulations to the leading and only TV show that celebrates ten years on the air.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/249616/
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