Improve life
1. Smile.
2. Stop feeling sorry about the past, start to live in the present.
3. Forgive and forget.
4. Watch the film alone.
5. Do what you really hotite.6. Be grateful.
7. Be yourself.
8. Go to church.
9. Learn how to give.
10. Sing your favorite songs, taking dush.11. Sleep when tired and eat when hungry.
12. Read a book.
13. exercise daily.
14. Make mealtime sacred.
15. Most speak with roditelyami.16. Do not get mad.
17. Wear comfortable shoes.
18. Keep in touch with friends.
19. Arrange a test drive for the new model of the car, even if you can not afford it.
20. Arrange cleaning.
21. Get rid of prejudice.
22. Sit on a media diet (week without television, news, radio and the Internet).
23. Listen to the advice of successful people.
24. Give debts.
25. Do not be skeptical in spore.26. Compete with your achievements, not with strangers.
27. Work smarter, not longer.
28. Do you like your job, but do not earn her money.
29. Do not try to please everybody and always (it's impossible).
30. Do not be afraid to fall. Without falling, will not succeed.