Murmansk region. Distant Zelentsy
Long time we have not had reports from zabroshenok.
Today I want to introduce you almost deserted village - further Zelentsy.
The village is located on the shore of a small bay (bay Oscar) Far Zelenetskaya Bay of the Barents Sea.
Formed a settlement after here in the 30-ies of XX century was the opening of the season MMBI Biological Station which is the main building of the institute until the early 90s.
At the moment, the resident population of the village is only a few dozen people. From here the institute was only a five-story building, most of the hostel, which also operates one of the laboratories.
The rest of the house (almost all) of abandoned and slowly destroyed in the harsh northern climate.
Near the shore of the bay lies the burnt skeleton of a large ship
The house in the background - still living
But overall pretty depressing panorama
Date laid in concrete nails some technical facilities like sewage and drainage wells. Although from here drains and sewers?
Scattered through the village a number of old watercrafts
Today I want to introduce you almost deserted village - further Zelentsy.
The village is located on the shore of a small bay (bay Oscar) Far Zelenetskaya Bay of the Barents Sea.
Formed a settlement after here in the 30-ies of XX century was the opening of the season MMBI Biological Station which is the main building of the institute until the early 90s.
At the moment, the resident population of the village is only a few dozen people. From here the institute was only a five-story building, most of the hostel, which also operates one of the laboratories.
The rest of the house (almost all) of abandoned and slowly destroyed in the harsh northern climate.
Near the shore of the bay lies the burnt skeleton of a large ship
The house in the background - still living
But overall pretty depressing panorama
Date laid in concrete nails some technical facilities like sewage and drainage wells. Although from here drains and sewers?
Scattered through the village a number of old watercrafts