Holidays in Karelia in 2013

Good day, YAP! Continuing the fine tradition of our small company to go on vacation to beautiful places in Russia, this year we went to the Republic of Karelia. 33 will be (like) foty end marked.

Since in Karelia from us, no one was, that his foot was decided not to go. After hearing about the bad roads - puzotёrki also disappeared. Fiddle internets found a solution - rent gazelki farmer (6 seats + body tilt). Rental price per day 1600 + petrol = cost of tickets in the reserved seat back-to-back (hello everyone's favorite sebyaneokupaemy Railways). 6 bodies left on the car (on the day before to find a spot and set up camp) and 3 light body on the train. By car (two hands) was quite good until until started looking where to put the camp. All of the "primer" that we drove towards the lakes (searched on the cards more) ends not the villages, not the likes of local suburban settlements. We then want solitude with nature! Local offered to throw a motorboat to the island - only 3tyr Walker (5 km), the cars in the yard for 150r per day. And we have the people and things - salable to 4, ie, 12tyr there 12tyr back and 2tyr for parking. Nihuyasebe rastsenochki themselves find chenit. Ride 6 more hours, find a lake with a nice porch and a place to camp. Round Lake, like heard that it was formed after the fall of the meteorite. Well Round is not round, no people near to the nearest town 25km. Oh the beauty! Camped, met in Segezha those who rode the train began to rest)

Round Lake. Rainbow. The weather was bad - then rain, then sun, then all together.

Double rainbow!

Fish, especially not caught, mushrooms enough ... it was decided to go look for a place to scout better. Here are looking for.

Vygozero. The place was found quickly, remove the camp and moving.


Rybalov someone sfotkal me)

2-3 (as it turned out to 6 + bonus salvation from MOE) of the day decided to swim to the boat porybalit away. more pictures from there

Big Lake, this Vygozero ...

Bilberry grows everywhere, a lot. On the track sell three-liter jar. Expensive.

Right on the road increased.


Then simply beautiful photo. Photographer did not I! Horizon podzavalen)

Cranberries, green yet.






Photographer taking pictures of the photographer who photographs catch fungi.

Photo photographer who photographed the photographer on the previous photo

White Nights - theme)

The water is not so cold.

Dragonfly in the tent flew.



Gathered back

We reserve the curve table, which made yourself, pick up trash and rulim home

Murmansk route

Murmansk route

I think it's enough, well rested! Thank rescuers who have taken us back to the fishing spot. About salvation itself, going to the city on foot and much more interesting, maybe tell my companions and I, in a separate post.