Happiness - in Kitten :)
Inspired by the theme, too, wanted to share her little Ushastik who lives with us for a month.
It all started with the fact that a friend wrote to me, saying she stumbled on kittens. Took to himself, but nowhere have. Well, I do, I have immediately pricked up skiing, do not throw the same die crumbs)) wrote to her husband, he said, to my surprise, did not say anything, and silently agreed for him to go :) But, unfortunately, went to the second koteyku already suffered a sad fate
Caught up in his arms and ran the remaining baby to the vet. Eyes and nose of the baby were plastered with pus, it was hard to breathe, and he did not see mog.V veterinarke us taken aback, saying it is not known to survive or not ... and sent us batten, because he was already suffering from severe dehydration
22 photos.
After feeding, I went to wash it, and there's just awful! Bites from multiple wounds from bleeding, fleas fall off tens ... I just can not imagine that such a small body could fit so many of these blood-sucking creatures
On the second day we already felt more cheerful))) At its barely holding paws tried to attack the dog
This is also on the second day, well, the same handsome!
In an effort to teach slowly to the toilet, had to build a barricade of pillows and other scrap materials)) constantly strove to go beyond the so-called pan and shit in the wrong place :)
on the fifth day of the stay, it was decided to show it to another vet, because it was necessary to have somehow begin to heal. it was hard to watch as it is difficult to breathe, and as his eyes fester. Thank God got a sensible girl and has appointed us competent treatment with a bunch of pricks and procedures))
With treatment it went even better, though snot still have not left. Pumped out of a stray by the way a very handy thing
made imitation Nurse approved srazu.Urchal pohlesche tractor)
Small angel :)
like this shladko-shladko we love to sleep
and so. Nabes plenty%)
and conveniently the same :))
it is already two weeks later, growing
preparing for winter
amateur hunts for hands, nose, feet :) a couple of seconds, an attack on her husband's arm)
grows new food has overcome)
Another photo kotopsihoza :)))) he loves to fight and bite, wean, but to no avail
other members of kotobandy:
only just started to get used to the little monster))))
That's how we live, Small walks on the walls, hanging on the curtains, blowing away all of his way, still likes to throw all the tables, cabinets ... and watch this with interest) and is usually wakes up this activity closer to the night, and the rest to us only dreams, as they say. For a long time could not decide on a name, and he was Shushik and strudel, and now settled on Kuzmich :)))
Something to that on * balas all. You can break
:)) All good, kittens, etc.
It all started with the fact that a friend wrote to me, saying she stumbled on kittens. Took to himself, but nowhere have. Well, I do, I have immediately pricked up skiing, do not throw the same die crumbs)) wrote to her husband, he said, to my surprise, did not say anything, and silently agreed for him to go :) But, unfortunately, went to the second koteyku already suffered a sad fate
Caught up in his arms and ran the remaining baby to the vet. Eyes and nose of the baby were plastered with pus, it was hard to breathe, and he did not see mog.V veterinarke us taken aback, saying it is not known to survive or not ... and sent us batten, because he was already suffering from severe dehydration
22 photos.

After feeding, I went to wash it, and there's just awful! Bites from multiple wounds from bleeding, fleas fall off tens ... I just can not imagine that such a small body could fit so many of these blood-sucking creatures

On the second day we already felt more cheerful))) At its barely holding paws tried to attack the dog

This is also on the second day, well, the same handsome!

In an effort to teach slowly to the toilet, had to build a barricade of pillows and other scrap materials)) constantly strove to go beyond the so-called pan and shit in the wrong place :)

on the fifth day of the stay, it was decided to show it to another vet, because it was necessary to have somehow begin to heal. it was hard to watch as it is difficult to breathe, and as his eyes fester. Thank God got a sensible girl and has appointed us competent treatment with a bunch of pricks and procedures))

With treatment it went even better, though snot still have not left. Pumped out of a stray by the way a very handy thing

made imitation Nurse approved srazu.Urchal pohlesche tractor)

Small angel :)

like this shladko-shladko we love to sleep

and so. Nabes plenty%)

and conveniently the same :))

it is already two weeks later, growing

preparing for winter

amateur hunts for hands, nose, feet :) a couple of seconds, an attack on her husband's arm)

grows new food has overcome)

Another photo kotopsihoza :)))) he loves to fight and bite, wean, but to no avail

other members of kotobandy:
only just started to get used to the little monster))))

That's how we live, Small walks on the walls, hanging on the curtains, blowing away all of his way, still likes to throw all the tables, cabinets ... and watch this with interest) and is usually wakes up this activity closer to the night, and the rest to us only dreams, as they say. For a long time could not decide on a name, and he was Shushik and strudel, and now settled on Kuzmich :)))
Something to that on * balas all. You can break
:)) All good, kittens, etc.